Amplifying the Connection Between Digital and Physical Retail: The Story of Shopkick

For consumers, shopping at a brick-and-mortar store can either be an enjoyable experience – if the retailer has the right technology in place – or it can become a tedious task. For instance, having to travel from store to store to find a specific sale item. Introducing the Shopkick app, amplifying the connection between digital and physical retail.


Shopkick App


A decade ago, savvy shoppers would use a combination of the print catalog, phone calls, and web research before traveling to the store to purchase their product. That is no longer the case. As technology has made it easy to purchase everything you could possibly want from the comfort of your couch. However, for many, going to the store is still a favored method of purchasing goods. It not only serves as a social outing but also features the ability to touch and see the products. As a result, the need to incorporate technological advancements into retailers’ physical stores has become a “must-have.”

shopkick app

First U.S. Shopping Application

No other company understands and answers this consumer need quite like Shopkick, the first and most-used U.S. shopping application. It connects shoppers to physical retail by providing consumers with in-store shopping rewards, called kicks, based on their store location. Shopkick’s innovative ability to combine the physical with the digital has led to the company’s unprecedented growth. As a result, the company was acquired by SK Planet, the integrated commerce platform service provider, in October 2014.

Shopkick’s sudden growth led the Company to look for a Facebook advertising solution to solve its mobile app install acquisition needs, a solution that would scale at the right cost-per-engaged user.


Customized Ad Format

Shopkick turned to Consumer Acquisition to achieve their ultimate goals of reducing the cost-per-mobile-app install and increasing their user acquisition engagement rates. ConsumerAcquistion developed a customized ad format for Shopkick, which focused on mobile app installs and re-engagement ads on Facebook’s mobile news feed and audience network. And, through a series of heavy image and copy testing, Consumer Acquisition was able to increase Shopkick’s click-through rate. At the same time, decreasing the cost per install. Additionally, Consumer Acquisition leveraged Shopkick’s in-house, proprietary bidding platform. Thus, enabling them to automate bidding to outperform third-party bid platforms by 25% and eliminate percent of spend fees.

By working with Consumer Acquisition, Shopkick was able to increase user engagement by 32% and reduce cost per install. Therefore, leading them to achieve their profitability goal.

“ConsumerAcquisition has delivered amazing results from mobile app install advertising on Facebook,” said Manu Sharma, Vice President of Growth & Data Science, Shopkick. “With a relentless focus on creative testing and audience expansion, this team has reduced our cost-per-install, increased user engagement, and delivered profitability at scale.”

To learn more about ConsumerAcquisition’s work with Shopkick, a Shopkick case study.


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