When it comes to Fantasy Sports App Installs, Custom Audiences Matter!

NFL Playoffs are finally here. For football fanatics, that means the last chance to see their favorite teams play before the season is over. For fantasy sports apps companies, it means the final chance to engage current and new customers. Especially, before the sports head into its six-month hiatus.


Fantasy Sports Apps


Thriving in the world of fantasy sports apps is much more complicated than releasing an app. It’s also hoping to acquire consumer’s attention just by being available for download. For fantasy sports app installs, success equals engaging and retaining the right audience for their app. All while maintaining the overall costs of acquiring these new consumers down. This was the case for DRAFT, head-to-head fantasy sports apps that offer players the chance to win cash and prizes in daily and weekly fantasy games.

Fantasy Sports Apps


Created in 2015, DRAFT was looking for a way to break through the noise of other fantasy sports apps and increase their volume and quality of users without going over their designated user acquisition budget. They realized that fantasy sports and social media go hand-in-hand. For instance, consumers, generally, post and comment on the current status of the game they are watching. Therefore, Draft connected with Consumer Acquisition to develop a strategy that would accomplish these goals.

Fantasy Sports Apps

Mobile App Advertising

ConsumerAcquisition’s expertise in Instagram and Facebook advertising and experience in the fantasy sports category came into play for Draft by developing highly-targeted mobile app advertising on Facebook and Instagram. By leveraging ConsumerAquisition’s in-house technology, AdRulesTM, to create a custom algorithm specifically tuned into the various likes of fantasy football fans, Consumer Acquisition created more than 250 image tests, test audiences, and optimization tests to identify custom sports audiences using official NFL and MLB statistics, brands, weather patterns, fantasy rankings, and all-star voting, delivering new users. ConsumerAcquisition utilized a unique approach. As a result, Draft saw a 100% user growth and a 70% cost reduction in their click per impression.

“ConsumerAcquistion brought a rigorous, statistically-driven approach to Facebook user acquisition that meshed well with our fantasy sports offering,” said Jeremy Levine, CEO, Draft. “They understand fantasy sports and our users. They systemically worked through hundreds of quantitative tests to deliver a massive increase in users.”

To learn more about ConsumerAquisition’s work with Draft, click here.


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