Facebook Advertising Testing: Image Layout & Grids

The Consumer Acquisition team has produced 250k of Facebook Advertising for clients across multiple verticals and spent over $200 million in many high-performing campaigns. Based on that experience we know visuals are responsible for over 75% of an ad’s performance. Refer to our post Image Matters: Testing Professional vs UGC Images to learn what types of Facebook Advertising testing you can run to find what images are effective at engaging users and producing ROAS. Learn ways to optimize an existing creative and produce new concepts by changing a creative’s layout.

Facebook Advertising Testing

Once you have found several effective images, you will still need to produce creatives to maintain your campaign’s financial objectives. These Ads will start to decrease in performance with the increase in audience reach and spend. However, there is no need to start from zero when you notice your Ads’ performance decreasing. There are simple ways to optimize an existing creative once its performance starts to wane. Below we’ve outlined how to produce new concepts by changing a creative’s layout.  For a complete list of creative Ad elements, you can test, refer to our white paper Creative Ideas for Facebook Advertisers.

Concepts: Different Layouts

The simplest and easiest way to create new concepts based on an existing high-performing Ad is to keep the winning elements the same but change the layout of the design. You can test moving elements around from top to bottom, left to right. You can also test adding a second, third winning image. We highly recommend adding a text header that tells the story of the site or app within 6 words or less. See some examples below.

facebook advertising testing

Concepts: Different Grids

Another simple way to produce new concepts from an existing winning concept is to divide the image(s) into grids. If you are selling products, you can showcase them in different grids. You can also test by placing images side by side, split the screen into grids of 2×2, 3×4, 4×4, or with ½ x ½. See some examples below.Facebook Advertising Testing

Facebook Advertising Testing with Creative Studio

To make it easier for Facebook advertisers to develop and test fresh creative concepts and variations of existing concepts for images, videos, and ad copy, we’ve created a studio for Facebook Creatives. In our Creative Studio, advertisers submit short creative briefs explaining their goals, objectives, and creative instructions. They receive creatives from our network of global designers and video editors. Finally, choosing the creatives they want to run and pay based on the creative’s performance. 

Jason Lin, CMO of Filld said, “Consumer Acquisition ramped up spend within the first few weeks and capped out our daily budget while reducing our CPA by 42% within 90 days. Their Creative Studio allowed us to rapidly test new creative (images and videos) with various copy messaging. At the same time, we continued to drive new customers to our platform even when we increased spend by eleven times from month 1 to month 3. They’ve transformed our business and marketing approach, and we recommend them to anyone looking to properly scale their Facebook user acquisition.”

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Ad Copy Services Now Available to Facebook Advertisers within the Creative Studio

Consumer Acquisition expands services further, becomes the only Facebook Marketing Partner providing ad copy services along with images and videos.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – September 6, 2017

Ad Copy Services

Consumer Acquisition, a Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner offering the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform, today announced the expansion of Ad Copy services within its proprietary Creative Studio that delivers creative at scale to Facebook advertisers. With today’s news, Consumer Acquisition becomes the only Facebook Marketing Partner to offer a complete suite of services for advertisers. So advertisers can dynamically source videos, images, and ad copy in a pay-per-performance marketplace.


Brian Bowman, CEO of Consumer Acquisition, said: “Expanding our offering to include Ad Copy is significant for advertisers because of the constant need to test hundreds of ad creatives to drive optimal performance on campaigns. Each creative brief that advertisers submit is reviewed by our services team and they work with experienced user acquisition managers for feedback and creative input. Given that we’ve spent over $200 million in Facebook ads across many categories, and we’re constantly being challenged by new businesses, new creative concepts, and models, we have experience in what it takes to develop successful creatives that we bring to advertisers.”

For Glu’s Design Home App, Consumer Acquisition increased return on advertising spend (ROAS) by 70% from month 4 to 5, while spending 7 figures per month. Dasha Chipchay, User Acquisition Manager of Glu, said: “Consumer Acquisition immediately ramped design production using their Creative Studio. They rapidly created and tested multiple variations of new interior design video concepts. They also efficiently identified winners, that transformed our business month-over-month. We enjoy working with them and love their diverse creative capabilities. We highly recommend them to anyone looking to properly scale their Facebook user acquisition!”


Creative Studio Overview

  • Creative innovation at scale with access to a global network of designers and editors.
  • Write a creative brief or collaborate with our free concierge service for brief writing and designer management.
  • Review creatives from our worldwide network of creative talent and chose which creatives to launch.
  • Automatic identification of poor ad performance with recommended new ad launches.
  • Free advanced reporting enhances the capabilities of Facebook’s Ad Manager and Power Editor. Also, both have rolled-up data across creatives and drill-down ability to uncover meaningful insights.

ad copy services

About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition is a badged Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner that offers the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform with a Creative Studio, AI-powered automation, and action-based reporting for Facebook Advertisers. The company has acquired over 75 million app installs and leads for Glu Mobile, Checkout51, Sunbasket, EBATES, PlayStudios, Brainwell, and many others. Solutions include Creative Studio, AdRules 30-day free trial, and FREE reporting to enhance Facebook’s native tools capabilities. For more information, visit www.consumeracquisition.com.

Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

Facebook Advertising Testing: Image Copy and Calls to Action

Strong visuals capture Facebook and Instagram’s audience’s attention, but a strong image copy will help users decide if they want to click the ad or not.


Image Copy and Calls to Action


Image copy communicates your product’s message and value proposition, and it compels users to take action. If your copy is weak and does not engage users, your ad will fail at producing ROAS. In building over 250,000 ads, and spending over $200,000,000 in Instagram and Facebook advertising, we’ve learned what kind of language drives engagement, and what type of image copy tests you can run to increase your campaign’s performance.

There are several tests used to improve your image copy instantly. First of all, asking a question can produce better results than stating facts or benefits. Furthermore, when you ask a question, users feel like they are part of a two-way conversation. They are most likely to pay attention to your ad and take action. Finally, if you are stating facts and benefits in your copy, you can try changing the sentence to a question. Then, see if it produces better results.

Another proven way to drive engagement and improve your ad’s performance is to include strong words like free, win, new, best, top, or #1 in your call to action. These words automatically capture the user’s attention. See some examples below.

Facebook Advertising, Image Copy Testing, Facebook Testing

Beyond language, you can try several things with your image copy to improve performance. You can test font size, angle, treatment, and color: bright colors vs neutral colors. If you are using a banner for your copy, you can test different shapes and different colors. In addition, image copy placement is another test you can run. For instance, by moving it around from top to bottom, right to left, and even centering it. When testing image copy, text should never take more than 20% of the space in your image. See some examples below.

Facebook Advertising, Facebook Testing, Image Copy Testing


Creative Studio

We have created a marketplace for Facebook Creatives. This will make it easier for advertisers. They can develop and test fresh creative concepts and variations of existing concepts for images, videos, and ad copy. In our Creative Studio, advertisers submit short creative briefs explaining their goals, objectives, and creative instructions. They receive creatives from our network of global designers and video editors, choose the creatives they want to run, and pay based on the creative’s performance. 

Our clients are satisfied with our creative testing. John Parides from Glu, “Consumer Acquisition ramped up within the first several days and capped out our daily budget while delivering CPIs 20% below targets and beating ROAS goals. They continue to test creative (images and videos), messaging, and targeting and have further reduced CPIs by 60% and increased ROAS 25%. This team knows Facebook and how to fight off creative and audience fatigue.”


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Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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