Consumer Acquisition attended Mobile Growth Forum 2017, Seattle

Consumer Acquisition attended Mobile Growth Forum, Seattle, the World’s Premium Mobile Games Event on October 24 and 25 in 2017.


Mobile Growth Forum


Consequently, hundreds of leading figures from top gaming companies, leading publishers, and influential indies attended. Hence, all for a chance to meet each other. 

Most noteworthy, Consumer Acquisition joined MGF as a diamond sponsor and speaker. In addition, Brian Bowman, our CEO, discussed The Future of User Acquisition. As a result, in his talk, Brian explained how crowdsourcing creatives, Facebook’s creative optimization, and UA bots are drastically changing the user acquisition landscape. And, he explained how to make the best of these changes. Finally, Brian shared several creative ideas to extend an ad’s life. Also, he offered the best practices for running Facebook agency competitions.

mobile growth forum


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.

Facebook Marketing Partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we’re a Facebook Marketing Partner badged in Creative and AdTech. So, we’re uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign and creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.


Five Keys To Achieving Positive Return On Advertising Spend With Facebook

Five Keys To Achieving Positive Return On Advertising Spend With Facebook. As seen on Forbes, read the original article here.

Facebook Advertising Spend

Achieving a positive return on Facebook advertising spend (ROAS) is a key objective for many Facebook and direct response advertisers. Sustaining positive ROAS with a large media spend is not an easy feat to accomplish. But it is possible with the right approach.

My company has spent over $200 million on high-performing Facebook campaigns for companies across multiple direct responses, mobile and lead generation verticals. The following are our five best practices to increase ROAS for high-scale Facebook advertising campaigns.

1. Start With Heavy Creative Testing

Heavy, constant creative testing is necessary to uncover winning ads that significantly improve ROAS. Using high-performing creative can increase ROAS by 200% or more. For our direct response advertisers spending over $50,000 per month, new ad designs typically have a 5% chance of significantly outperforming top-performing ads in terms of ROAS. This means large direct response advertisers are testing hundreds of ad creatives and must deliver a constant supply of fresh creative concepts to avoid ad fatigue and maintain positive ROAS at scale. Your best-performing ad creatives may have a lifespan of fewer than 30 days. So you’ll need to continue your creative testing to produce wins that offset performance degradation that happens naturally as creative fatigues.

advertising spend

 2. Know Your Early Metrics (KPIs)

Knowing and monitoring your metrics limits wasteful spend. Maintain high ROAS through heavy creative testing with many creative variations. You can use software to automate which ads to pause and which ads to scale the media spend. There are early signs of a promising creative. Such as identifying a user event that occurs before a purchase (i.e., completing an app tutorial).  As a result, helps advertisers make decisions before ROAS is fully understood.

Once a promising creative has been identified, additional Facebook advertising spend is required to measure ROAS at a higher scale. Depending on the average cost per paying user, it’s generally safe to measure ROAS for a creative after $200 in ad spend.

It’s important to understand how revenue and ROAS cohorts age over time. For instance, many gaming companies measure ROAS on day seven of the cohort, then use that day’s ROAS to predict lifetime value (LTV) over 12 to 18 months. In this scenario, revenue and ROAS are fully mature seven days after ad spend, so it’s critical to understand target KPIs for ROAS each day up to day seven.

If ROAS appears poor at day three or five, this could signal an opportunity to pause an ad that likely won’t meet day seven ROAS targets. Pausing early limits ad spend from underperforming creative. For any ads showing strong ROAS, advertisers can then scale these ads to new audiences quickly and determine whether performance holds up at scale or if metrics fall apart due to a false positive winner.

advertising spend

3. Automate Your Rules

Marketing automation tools allow performance advertisers to set and manage campaign logic (if I spend more than $10 without an install, pause the ad, etc.). Automating campaign rules allows you to monitor ads around the clock, and quickly scale winners while avoiding spending wasteful money on low-performing creatives. Automation technology makes thousands of decisions dynamically to accelerate winning ads while suppressing poor performers. Once you have historical data to determine early ROAS indicators, set rules for each day or use AI-powered, machine learning to automate decisions and scale campaigns.

advertising spend

4. Expand Reach

Facebook has robust data on its two billion users and can place users into a propensity to pay bands through lookalike audiences. Provide Facebook a list of your highest value users. The company will convert that “seed audience” into a series of lookalike audiences that behave similarly and provide similar revenue. These users are likely to be interested in your business, app or products. As a result, will often purchase at a high rate because they’re similar to your highest value users.

By targeting lookalike audiences, Facebook can narrow an ad’s reach to the best-quality users based on attributes you specify. In fact, the quality of Facebook lookalike audiences is getting better as Facebook analyzes spend and determines who is most likely to purchase your product or service and continue to do so over a long period of time. Additionally, spend per transaction is likely to get more efficient as Facebook’s algorithms learn which users and creative are more likely to convert.

By giving Facebook more control in determining where to place the ad, the ad format and who sees the ad, Facebook can efficiently expand reach to your audience and optimize campaigns. If you are using Facebook for mobile app acquisition, we recommend using app event optimization bidding techniques coupled with auto placements target users likely to install and also make a purchase. Doing so will increase the LTV, average revenue per user and ROAS.

5. Get Back To Creative Testing

Even when you find a big win from creative testing, it will eventually reach maximum saturation and fatigue. This happens when an ad’s target audience sees the same ad too many times. For example, when the frequency exceeds three views per person. When this happens, your ad click-through rate (CTR) will drop as the frequency rate increases. You’ll then know it’s time to start the testing process again. Even if your ad’s CTR is declining, you should start with an existing creative. Because the ad can still be optimized through variations and improve performance by 20 to 30%.

Achieving and maintaining ROAS is important for performance advertisers, and it’s doable with frequent creative testing. Advertisers should start by closely monitoring early metrics to avoid wasteful advertising spend. The rules should be automated to scale winning creatives. Using lookalike audiences with demographics targeting allows Facebook to find high-quality users and expand reach. Creative testing is absolutely required to maintain ROAS at scale, and it never stops. But, the results will be worth the continual campaign and creative management.

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3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Ad Copy for Facebook Advertising

When scrolling through posts and ads on Facebook feeds, visuals are the first thing users notice. Visuals will help users decide if they want to stop and pay further attention to Facebook advertising or continue scrolling through their friends’ content. However, it’s ad copy that may ultimately determine if users take action.


Ad Copy for Facebook Advertising


Based on our data, visuals (images and videos) are the most important element in Facebook advertising. In fact, they are responsible for 75% to 90% of an ad’s performance. Before thinking about testing copy, advertisers should first find high-performing images by testing 10 -15 initial concepts. Once a winning image or video has been identified, advertisers can further increase an ad’s performance by 15% to 20% by testing image copy.

Image copy refers to the text placed over an image or video, it’s not the copy placed in Facebook’s description, CTA or headline fields. An image copy is important because it’s the first message that Facebook users will read and pay attention to when navigating through their Facebook feeds.

Joanna Wiebe from Copy Hackers said,

“The Ad image may get their attention. But the Ad copy closes ‘em.”  

Our team at Consumer Acquisition has found 3 simple ways to improve your ad copy for Facebook advertising and ensure that it compels users to take the desired action.

Ask a Question

A statement has the ability to make people feel like they’re being talked at or lectured. It’s one-way communication. When you ask a question, you’re inviting users to be part of the conversation. It’s a much more engaging way of communicating a message. Next time you find yourself making a statement in your copy, try rephrasing it as a question. For example instead of writing: “Conquer the Restaurant Empire,” you could try, “Can You Conquer the Restaurant Empire?”

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Challenge the Audience

Another way to make your copy irresistible is to challenge the user to prove something or take an action. This works because most humans enjoy a good challenge, to prove others and to prove themselves. Like asking a question, challenging users includes and engages them in the communication process. You can challenge the user by asking a question such as: “Can you count how many legs in the image?”, or with a sentence like: “Prove you can pass this level.”

ad copy


Use Power Language

Finally, we have found that there are certain words and phrases we refer to as power language that perform well across accounts. Power language is a language that conveys either social proof, incites mystery, or offers a reward. For example:  “Best New App,” “Top-Ranked,” “Most Addictive” incite mystery and social proof. “Win,” “Get” and “Free” offer users a reward.  Language such as  “downloaded 1 million times” or  “5 million users loves this app” validates the product and incites mystery. Once users see messages like these, they are curious to see for themselves what the excitement is about.

ad copy


Writing exciting and engaging copy all the time is challenging. However, if you follow these simple steps as guidelines for all your writing, you can ensure your copy will never fall flat or boring. These tips can also significantly improve your ad’s performance and increase your mobile app installs or your Facebook Advertising objective.

To make it easier for advertisers to develop and test fresh creative concepts and variations of existing concepts for images, videos, and ad copy, we’ve created a Creative Studio for Facebook advertisers. In our studio, advertisers submit short creative briefs explaining their goals, objectives, and creative instructions. They receive creatives from our network of global designers and video editors, choose the creatives they want to run, and pay based on the creative’s performance. 

Alex Tikhman, Executive Vice President of Monclarity said,  

“We’re very proud of our innovative Brainwell App to help people of all ages. However, Facebook ad spend with other partners proved unsuccessful. Consumer Acquisition’s unique Managed Services solution, Creative Studio, and highly efficient AdRules Platform have yielded our most rapid high-quality new user growth. This team knows how to scale Facebook and generate creative at scale!”

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Read Our

Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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