2020 Definitive Guide Of Facebook Ads Creative Strategy, Creative Testing and Launching New Games

Check out the 2020 Definitive Guide Of Facebook Ads Creative Strategy, Creative Testing and Launching New Games, published by Consumer Acquisition February 11, 2020.

Find the best practices for launching a game or app in 2020 using Facebook and Google AC social ads. Also, receive tips and tricks to successfully prepare for worldwide launch through scaling and optimization tests and understand how automation and machine learning have reshaped UA.

Learn what is driving “Creative Strategy 2.0” and why creative is the king of performance and how to beat your control video! In addition, discover the best media buying practices for identifying the most efficient campaign set up for a soft launch and worldwide scale, how to increase audience size, and combine placements to maximize ROAS.

We offer you real-world, actionable insights to your launch and profitably scale your new game or app using Facebook ads.

Facebook Ads Creative Strategy, Testing & Launch

Section 1: User Acquisition Is Dead!


  • How We Got Here
  • What Facebook’s New Structure for Scale Best Practices Mean for Campaign Management
  • As User Acquisition Becomes Automated, What Are The Roles For Machines, and for Humans?
  • Third-party Adtech Tools Are Obsolete


Section 2: Creative Strategy Best Practices


  • Most Ads Fail
  • Creative Audit
  • Competitive Audit
  • Competitive Trends
  • Asset Folders For Winning Ads
  • Player Profiles
  • Creative Strategy
  • Mini Creative Briefs
  • Winner Variation Testing


Section 3: Hidden Challenges In Creative Testing


  • Creative Testing: Statistical Significance vs Cost-Effective
  • IPM Testing is Cost-Effective
  • Why Is The Control So Hard To Beat?
  • Creative Testing 2.0 Recommendations


Section 4: Video Ad Creative Strategy and Best Practices


  • Ad Copy
  • Buttons
  • Start and End Cards
  • Text Placement, Fonts, Colors, and Emojis
  • Aspect Ratios


Section 5: How To Launch New Games in 2020 With Facebook Ads


Phase One: Early Creative Testing in the Soft Launch

  • Structure For Scale
  • Complement the Algorithm
  • Results During the Learning Phases
  • #1 Lever Increase Audience Size
  • #2 Lever: Combine Placements: Select automatic placements for better results.
  • #3 Lever: Increase Budget Liquidity: Select automatic placements for better results.
  • #4 Lever: Bid smarter.
  • Campaign Structure
  • Shifting Towards The Worldwide Launch

Phase Two: Taking Your Campaign to the Next Level in the Worldwide Launch

  • The Learning Phase

Phase Three: Scaling Worldwide Through Optimization

  • Audience Expansion, Creative Testing, and Creative Refresh

creative strategy

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Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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