90% of Facebook Ads Fail! Find Out How to Win!

Today, only 5% -15% of Facebook video ad concepts are successful. So, as many as 85% – 90% of creative doesn’t beat the highest-performing ad, the control ad. If you take media spend away from the best ad to run against the 2nd or 3rd best ad, you lose money. Is there some sort of magic formula, though, to deliver a larger percentage of winning creative to achieve a successful creative rate?

Most likely, the answer is no, unless you get lucky. If you do uncover a winning ad concept, your luck will run out as your high-performing creative fatigues over time. But, there may be a moonshot path to increasing the overall win rate for creative testing with in-app purchase (IAP) titles. The key to increased ‘winning’ creative is through mid-funnel conversion goals and correlation modeling suggesting a First-Purchase CPA or level event that corresponds well to purchase behavior. Find out why here.

High-Velocity Creative Testing

First, let’s focus on current A/B testing best practices. We’ve found success and consistency with high-velocity creative testing through qualification stages. High-velocity creative testing also referred to as high-tempo testing, requires rapid testing and experimentation to yield major growth. The principle being, the more you test and the faster you perform these experiments, the sooner you can uncover a new winning concept and then iterate on what’s working.

Three-Stage Process

We begin our high-velocity creative testing in cost-effective economical geo like the Philippines or India. During Stage 1, we vet creative for higher install per impression (IPM). Next, Stage 2 requires we take the high-IPM winners from Stage 1 and create a separate campaign to monitor KPI targets like return on ad spend (ROAS). Finally, Stage 3 pits assets winnowed from the initial stages against historical winners (control). This process on average yields a 15% win rate across many gaming and eComm apps. And, app advertisers also waste less of their budget by not having to spend 85% on running ‘losing’ creative out to statistical significance.  Yes, this process can generate false winners and false losers, but you are likely to spend $200 to $2K on testing to discover ads that reach the standard successful creative rate vs $20K.

The Impact of IDFA Loss

Unfortunately, the impact of Apple’s IDFA loss will cause ramifications for high-velocity creative testing. We discuss the devastating impact it will have on creative A/B testing in this article. So, it may be time to re-imagine creative testing﹘especially when it comes to improving your creative win rate. Again, there are no shortcuts to finding ads that reach the successful creative rate. While creative is king, quality is not a meaningful objective category. Often, assets deemed high-quality fail, while simple concepts become evergreen. This led us to a hypothesis we’re testing…

Mid-Funnel CPA Goals

So, how can we demonstrate value to executives of high-volume creative production? The answer﹘improve the successful creative rate. But, is it possible to attempt this while following a sustainable approach﹘producing less creative or perhaps killing losers faster and spending less on them? For us, we believe one moonshot path is through mid-funnel CPA goals. Currently, we’re using mid-funnel CPA goals to modify the three-phase process to uncover different tiers of targeted KPI winners. These different tiers include:

  • Evergreen Scale Drivers
  • Mid-Tier Assets that Meet KPI Targets at Lower Scale
  • Short-Life Winners that Supplement the Overall Portfolio

In other words, instead of trying to produce more ‘winning’ creative, we’re reevaluating what success looks like. This prevents us from disqualifying ads that previously wouldn’t have been labeled successful.

Step 1

First, track creative assets testing through the current testing framework to establish the current win rate.

Gateways: Engagement A/B test [IPM]> KPI [no champion] > KPI [with champions] > Evergreen [KPI at scale]

successful creative rate

Step 2

Next, you need to identify creatives within that 15% that rise to the status of “Evergreen.” What separates a “creative winner” from an Evergreen asset? Scale and endurance. Remember, your campaign will have multiple evergreen assets running at any given time at different stages of their lifecycle. So, new assets must be ready to replace those nearing the end of their lifecycle to sustain the KPI target. Then, map over time the efficiency rise and fall of a successful video. Also, plot the percentage of spend in that timeframe and the number of creative tested.

Key Points:

  • For this client, on average an evergreen video sustained $16-20K over a six-week period at KPI, or 13% of overall volume.

successful creative rate

Step 3

Finally, you question the methods of the three-phase process for mid-funnel business goals. Is Phase 1 necessary since we’re looking for a mid-funnel event that is nearly as frequent as install? Besides, we’re already limited to running Phase 1 in a T1 country (UK), so can we possibly augment Phase 1? Instead, we start with Phase 2 without performing an a/b/c test. Also, we make criteria for live campaigns at a spend threshold / CPA minimum and IPM minimum. Then, we graduate these winning assets to Phase 3, pause them in P2 group, and continue their testing in P2. Ideally, with a direct line to KPI, fewer assets will have CPA efficiency. But, lower IPM ones will be disqualified, yielding more potential winners.

Google UAC

Again, the loss of Apple’s IDFA has a cascade of consequences. One of the ramifications will be how creative is used on Google. If you are running an asset feed ad like Google UAC, you need enough creative combos within the feed to be truly effective. We believe a related chart will be necessary for Facebook AAA for an iOS14 account.

successful creative rate

Creative Fatigue

Unfortunately, creative fatigue is very real. Facebook, Google, etc. ads do have a shelf-life, even if they reach “evergreen” status. (Understandably, this may be confusing. Evergreen suggests the content can exist throughout the year. But, every asset reaches a point of diminishing return.) So, how can you recognize when creative fatigue will set in before you see a significant drop-off in performance? And, are all platforms created equally when it comes to the staying power of winning content? Stay tuned for a future article where we give you the definitive guide on how to combat creative fatigue.

IAA Apps vs IAP Apps

Also, does creative fatigue affect IAA apps and IAP apps differently? Sadly, yes. The good news is, we have proven UA strategies that address both app types. Here’s how you can surpass the standard 15% successful creative rate on Facebook and TikTok.

How We Can Help Achieve a Successful Creative Rate

Our Creative Studio provides breakthrough creative ideas for the $150+ million in monthly spend. Consumer Acquisition boasts an elite Hollywood storytelling creative team with vast animation and social advertising experience. Our creative strategy and competitive analysis unlock original concepts that make Facebook, Google, Tiktok, and Snap advertising profitable. And, we’re offering a $5,000 flat rate for A/B media buying testing that can be added to our Creative Studio services. So, please reach out to Sales@ConsumerAcquisition.com if you would like to get creative driven by performance.

Casino Games App Ads Playtika’s Bingo Blitz Creative Strategy

Creative is an advertiser’s best opportunity for a competitive advantage in social advertising. Soon, the combination of Facebook’s and Google’s Media buying automation with Apple’s removal of IDFA will make ‘winning’ creative ﹘the five percent of Facebook videos that are successful﹘of paramount importance. Here we break down casino games app ads from Playtika’s Bingo Blitz with competitive trends & creative recommendations, so you can learn from their creative best practices.

Check Out Our Casino Games App Ads Reel!

Bingo Blitz’s Competitive Analysis

Competitors: Bingo: Yatzy Bingo Tournament, Bingo Pop, Bingo Frenzy, Bingo: Lucky Bingo Games, Wizard of Bingo, Bingo Journey, BINGO! World Tour, Bingo Blaze, Bingo Blitz, Bingo Showdown, Bingo Blast, Bingo Clash, GSN Casino, Cash Tornado Slots, Parx Casino, Golden Nugget Online Casino, Club Vegas Slots, Huuuge Casino Slots, Jackpocket, Lucky Lottery Scratchers, Worldwinner, Lucktastic, Lucky Day, HQ Trivia, Coin Dozer, Match to Win: Cash Giveaway, Inbox Dollars, IBotta, Receipt Hog, Shopkick, Swagbucks, Rakuten, Dosh, Solitaire Cash, Solitaire Deluxe 2, Spades Plus, Solitaire Epic Adventure, WSOP

casino games app ads

Casino Games App Ads Creative

Bingo Blitz: What’s Working  

  • Influencers: Videos of Luis Fonsi and Nicol Scherzinger have garnered lots of attention on TikTok, Facebook, and other platforms. As spokespeople, they’ve been leveraged in multiple concepts, (even featuring a song by Fonsi). Other influencers include Ellen Degeneres. All influencers integrate with gameplay, design, and Blitzy the Cat.
  • Gameplay: Gameplay concepts feature Blitzy the Cat and leverage the vibrant game design and graphics, to communicate that this is a more modern version of bingo.
  • Promo/Offer: Simple concepts promote free gift giveaways to entice players to download or revisit.
  • Social connection: Player-based concepts promote the social and community aspects of the game.
  • Seasonal: Concepts centered on holiday themes.

casino games app ads

Casino Games App Ads Creative Iteration Ideas

  • Continue leveraging influencer content in video and image concepts, across multiple platforms.
  • Try shorter, bite-sized versions of influencer content
  • Explore other ways to integrate influencers with Blitzy
  • Use influencer testimonials and more footage of influencers playing the game
  • Introduce augmented gameplay with voice-over (could feature influencers)
  • Try integrating the social connection aspect with influencers (having players interact with influencers in-game, or in scenarios like Coin Master has done with celebs)
  • Use more seasonal concepts focused on different holidays and times of the year

casino games app ads

Casino Games App Ads Creative Trends

Concept: Gameplay

Add winning elements to gameplay capture: 

  • Integrate casino-like payout to gameplay
  • Try short user review headers highlighting fun aspects of game and things to win
  • Overcomes obstacles to downloading and play

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Coin Dozer, Bingo Pop, Bingo Blaze, Bingo Showdown, Cash Tornado Slots, many others

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game and the aspect of playing for cash

casino games app ads

Concept: Game Trailer

Create videos that explain the game in more detail:

  • Shows there’s more to the game than just bingo (prizes, boosts, multiple card play and more)

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • HQ Trivia, Yatzy Bingo Tournament, Bingo Blast, Parx Casino, WorldWinner, many others

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game and playing for cash

casino games app ads

Concept: Player Focused

Create concepts that focus on players when they win prizes, credits, free coins and other extras:

  • “Real Winners” ideas saturate the category but leveraging the community aspect can differentiate
  • Focus on the emotional benefit of winning and connecting with other players

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • HQ Trivia, Yatzy Bingo Tournament, Jackpocket, Cash Tornado, Slots, WorldWinner, Lucktastic

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in social connection and communitcasino games app ads

Concept: Testimonial

Create concepts integrating real reviews of the game:

  • Attracts players while legitimizing the game
  • Could be a combination of gameplay and copy or gameplay and video
  • Category saturated with “real winner” video testimonials

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Match to Win, Solitaire Epic Adventure, Bingo Clash, Lucky Day

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game and the aspect of playing for cash

casino games app ads

Concept: Mental Benefits

Create concepts that leverage the mental benefits of bingo:

  • Scientific evidence shows playing bingo increases social engagement and improves cognitive function/memory
  • Targets an older demographic (50+)
  • Test new headers like: “Elevate your IQ,” “Stay on the ball,” and others
  • Test IQ concepts where fails lower IQ and wins increase it

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Solitaire, WSOP

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in self-improvement & self-preservation

casino games app ads

Non-Competitor Concept: Puzzle Challenge

Create split-screen concepts where Bingo puzzle solutions result in helping Blitzy advance in perilous or adventurous situations:

  • Engages new players from other game genres
  • Integrates bingo and Blitzy in a new way
  • Add a narrative element to the game

Non-Competitors Using Trend:

  • Charm King, Genies & Gems, many others

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in a narrative element in their games

casino games app ads

Non-Competitor Concept: Picker

Create concepts that add a picker and FAIL element to the game:

  • Give players a timed option to pick the right letter/number combo to achieve Bingo
  • Finger hovers but can’t complete tasks in the allotted time, resulting in FAIL

Non-Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Tuscany Villa, Sweet Escapes, many others

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in achievement

casino games app ads

Reveal more Casino Games App Ads Playtika: Bingo Blitz Secrets!

Download Bingo Blitz Secrets Today!

Check out more of our creative here!

CA+ Launched, A New Creative Agency Model for Faster, Better, Cheaper Asset Creation and Delivery

Today, Consumer Acquisition announced our creative services agency CA+ launched. CA+ will focus on video production & full post-production, big-brand thinking, strategy, and creative for clients. CA+ was created to enhance current service offerings of animation, editorial, and motion graphics. Now, we’re adding live-action video production, full post-production services, 3D computer animation, gameplay capture, branding, and App Store creative design capabilities.

Why CA+ Launched

Soon, Apple will deprecate IDFA-enabled tracking and require the use of its SKAdNetwork. Unfortunately, this forces probabilistic attribution and corrals the performance advertising industry into a “creative first” approach. This allows advertisers to maintain levers for financial optimization. Also, Facebook and Google continually release automation features that take control of media buying and audience targeting away from advertisers. Further, dynamic creative optimization and asset feeds reduced the appetite for small creative changes that generate marginal lift in performance. Instead, new creative concepts will be the most important lever to drive creative performance. But, they’re very difficult to achieve and only have a 15% success rate.

Wider Breadth of Services

CA+ launched

So, with this industry-wide shift, CA+ launched with a wider breadth of services to support mixed media distribution and with a more flexible service model for clients. CA+ creates, tests, and deploys high-performing creative into the digital ecosystem that is focused on one thing: measurable client results. And, CA+ provides creative for all purpose﹘from integrated brand campaigns to individual asset creation﹘for TV, OTT, DOOH, Facebook, Google, YouTube, TikTok, Snap, Web, and more. These services include:

  • Live-Action
  • Video Production
  • Photography
  • Production
  • Full Post-Production Services
  • 3D-Computer Animation
  • Gameplay Capture (Unity & Unreal Engine)
  • Branding
  • AppStore Icon & Video Design and A/B Testing
  • Illustration Asset Creation

CA+ launched

Introducing Transparent Pricing

Every production at CA+ will include transparent pricing for all clients. So, the budget presented is actual costs, plus 15%. Additionally, CA+ will credit to the next month when coming in under budget. And, we’ll cover any costs that exceed the client budget. After every shoot, CA+ will also provide clients with a detailed accounting statement, time cards, or receipt copies to confirm the spend.

Creative Services Model with Blockbuster Creative

Brian Bowman, CEO of Consumer Acquisition, said: “CA+ will offer the most transparent creative services model in the market today with the greatest depth of asset creation. We’re able to achieve this with the leadership of our newly onboarded and highly talented General Manager of Creative Services, Evan Astrowsky, along with our dedicated team of the seasoned ad and film industry creatives and producers, combined with our experienced user acquisition team and proven methodology, enabling us to deliver breakthrough creative faster and cheaper than our competitors. And to us, faster and cheaper is better.”

Evan Astrowsky, General Manager of CA + Creative Studio, said: “We look forward to partnering with brands that inspire, motivate, and excite us. Whether you’re looking to film UGC with an influencer or trying to create a campaign that targets steampunk millennials, we’re here to partner with you to identify your competitive landscape, develop strategic creative, and then place it in the channels that will produce the best results.”

Download CA+ Overview Today!



Hidden Objects App Playrix Manor Matters Creative Strategy

Creative is an advertiser’s best opportunity for a competitive advantage in social advertising. Soon, the combination of Facebook’s and Google’s Media buying automation with Apple’s removal of IDFA will make ‘winning’ creative ﹘the five percent of Facebook videos that are successful﹘of paramount importance. Here we break down hidden objects app ads from Playrix Manor Matters with competitive trends & creative recommendations, so you can learn from their creative best practices.

Check Out Our Hidden Objects App Reel

Hidden Object Games Competitive Analysis

Competitors: June’s Journey, Pearl’s Peril, Criminal Case: Hidden Objects, Hidden City, Murder in the Alps, Adventure Escape Mysteries, Seekers Notes: Hidden Mystery, The Hidden Treasures, Survivors: The Quest, Klondike Adventures, Paint by Number, Lily’s Garden, Sweet Escapes, Manor Cafe, Meow Match, Diner Dash, My Home: Design Dreams, My Cafe, Word Villas, Vineyard Valley, Ravenhill, Hidden Relics, Time Guardians, Mystery Manor, Hidden Objects Photo Puzzle, Homicide Squad, Find Differences: Spot It, Sentence, Adam Wolfe: Dark Detective Mystery Game, The Secret Society, The Paranormal Society, Beauty, and the Beast

Hidden Objects App Ads

Manor Matters’ Top Ads & Platforms


Hidden Objects App Ads

Hidden Objects App Ads Creative

Manor Matters: What’s Working  

  • Genre crossovers concepts effectively combine puzzle trends to engage potential players
  • Hidden Object/Progressive Puzzle/Puzzle with Purpose concepts challenge viewers to find hidden objects to solve puzzles and help characters
  • Picker/puzzle concepts combine with stories to solve puzzles, direct narratives, or renovate environments

Hidden Objects App Ads

Creative Iteration Ideas

  • Iterations of progressive puzzles can feature one puzzle for shorter concepts
  • Add achievement headers to progressive puzzles
  • Continue cross-genre concepts, combining hidden object with a progressive puzzle, a puzzle with purpose and pickers
  • Try other iterations of magnifying glass concepts, utilizing more game art and crime themes
  • Try seasonal and holiday versions of best-performing concepts

Hidden Objects App Ads

Hidden Objects App Ads Creative Trends

Concept: Gameplay  

Leverage game art in simple hidden object videos:

  • Find items or words
  • Combine with headers and/or timed challenges
  • Can be simple puzzle or narrative-driven

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Adventure Escape Mysteries, Seekers Notes, June’s Journey, The Hidden Treasures, Survivors: The Quest, Ravenhill, many others

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge and mastery

Hidden Object App Ads

Concept: Game Trailer  

Create game trailer concepts that highlight the overall experience of the game:

  • Can focus on other aspects of gameplay: renovation, unlocking rooms, and game narrative
  • Highlights cinematic game art and stories

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hidden City, Murder in the Alps, Small Town Murders, Adventure Escape Mysteries, Seekers Notes, many others

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge, mastery, design, and narrative

Hidden Objects App Ads

Concept: Hidden Objects/Picker  

Create hybrid hidden object videos by adding a picker element that allows you to search inside and under objects.

  • Combine search for hidden objects with a picker to choose items to search in or under.
  • Combine with headers and/or timed challenges
  • The image version would have a hidden item barely visible in one of the picker furniture items.

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Lily’s Garden

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge and mastery

Hidden Object App Ads

Concept: Hidden Objects/Stories

Create hidden object concepts that are more narrative-focused:

  • Situations not necessarily game related
    • Finding clues to solve mysteries
    • Timed challenges
    • Catching a cheater

Competitors Utilizing Trend: 

  • Homicide Squad, Adventure Escape, Hidden Object Photo Puzzle

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in challenge and narrative

Hidden Objects App Ads

Concept: Spot the Differences 

Create simple concepts that challenge viewers to spot the differences between images:

  • Use situations organic to the game
  • Showcase game characters and settings
  • Leverages game graphics

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Seekers Notes, Mystery Manor, Homicide Squad, many others

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in challenge and mastery

manor matters

Concept: Puzzle Challenge

Create concepts that use simple puzzles to introduce game characters and gameplay:

  • Word puzzles (misspelled words, word searches)
  • Brainteasers (untangling or sorting items)
  • Use challenging or IQ-based headers
  • Timed challenges

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hidden Relics, Sentence, Ravenhill

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in challenge and completion

manor matters

Concept: Image Stories

Create image concepts that contain a story or mystery: 

  • A different way to engage hidden object players
  • Engages with narrative/mystery aspect
  • Capitalizes on strength of image concepts for this title

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Sentence

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in mystery and narrative

manor matters

Concept: Mental Benefits

Create concepts centered on relaxation and mental benefits of playing hidden-object puzzles: 

  • Combination of gameplay, headers, and/or testimonials
  • Opportunity for live-action characters to break up animation

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Ravenhill

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in self-improvement

manor matters

Concept: Testimonial

Create concepts featuring player testimonials:

  • Written testimonials from Facebook, Google Play store
  • Voice over testimonials with gameplay
  • Filmed testimonials split screen with gameplay
  • Legitimizes game

Non-competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Adventure Escape Mysteries

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game

manor matters

Reveal more Hidden Objects App Ads Playrix: Manor Matters Secrets!

Download Manor Matters Secrets Today!

Check out more of our creative here!

Match 3 App Ads Peak Toon Blast: Creative Strategy

Creative is an advertiser’s best opportunity for a competitive advantage in social advertising. Soon, the combination of Facebook’s and Google’s Media buying automation with Apple’s removal of IDFA will make ‘winning’ creative ﹘the five percent of Facebook videos that are successful﹘of paramount importance. Here we break down Match 3 ads from Peak Toon Blast with competitive trends & creative recommendations, so you can learn from their creative best practices.

Check Out Our Match 3 Apps Reel!

Toon Blast’s Competitive Analysis

Competitors:  Gardenscapes, Homescapes, Fishdom, Toy Blast, Candy Crush Franchise, Angry Birds Franchise, Vineyard Valley, Matchington Mansion, Manor Cafe, Farm Heroes Saga, Wild Life: Puzzle Story, Pet Rescue Saga, Bubble Witch 3 Saga, Genies & Gems, Sweet Escapes, Charm King, Manor Cafe, Lily’s Garden, Cookie Jam, Cookie Jam Blast, Family Guy, Small Town Murders, Sugar Blast

Match 3 Puzzle App Ads

Toon Blast’s Top Ads & Platforms

Match 3 Puzzle App Ads

Match 3 Ads Creative

Toon Blast: What’s Working

  • Heavy use of gameplay creatives leverage graphics, SFX, and bright colors to engage users
  • Puzzle with Purpose concepts combine gameplay with simple character situations
  • Seasonal creative concepts engage with users around relevant seasonal and/or holiday messaging

Match 3 Puzzle App Ads

Creative Iteration Ideas

  • Gameplay-focused concepts can be combined with inset testimonials, Noob vs. Pro, and influencers to augment creative
  • Comedic add-ons are another way to plus up simple gameplay concepts, with talk bubbles or character voice over
  • Puzzle with Purpose concepts can use more blasters
  • Try a shorter gameplay concept that ramps up more quickly to blasters
  • Try other seasonal and holiday concepts

Match 3 Puzzle App Ads

Match 3 Ads Creative Trends

Concept: Puzzle with Purpose

Create new concepts where gameplay puzzle solutions result in helping Bruno Bear, Wally Wolf & Cooper Cat advance in fun/adventurous situations:

  • Integrates gameplay
  • Adds a narrative element to the game
  • Try match/picker hybrid
  • Use split-screen or integrate gameplay into the scene
  • Incorporate matching and boosters into solutions

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Candy Crush Saga, Vineyard Valley, Charm King, Manor Cafe, Pet Rescue Saga, Manor Cafe

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in narrative and challenges

Match 3 Puzzle App Ads

Concept: Gameplay

Augment gameplay with different headers, comedic add-ons, and fails: 

  • Create headers that challenge users to complete levels
  • Add characters and/or backgrounds to game boards
  • Design character talk bubbles to provoke/encourage players
  • Add subtitled voice over to mimic the player experience
  • Show game fails, near misses, and near wins

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Candy Crush Saga, Toy Blast, Pet Rescue Saga, Farm Heroes Saga

Player Motivations: 

  • Targets players interested in challenges and completion

Match 3 App Ads

Concept: Locks & Gates Puzzle

Create Locks & Gates challenges that incorporate the game characters:

  • Free characters from funny/dangerous situations
  • Utilize elements of the game (e.g., car, anvil, bombs, disco balls)
  • Replace pins with boxing glove/accordion asset

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Gardenscapes, Homescapes, Fishdom, Charm King, Township

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge and completion

Match 3 App Ads

Concept: Game Trailer

Create videos that explain the game in more detail:

  • The game overview that differentiates the game from other Match 3 games
  • Explainer video utilizing graphic elements (e.g., scrapbook)
  • Movie trailer-type creative that capitalizes on game graphics and characters

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Angry Birds 2, Genies & Gems, Farm Heroes Saga

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game

Match 3 App Ads

Concept: Progressive Puzzle

Create concepts that feature characters in multi-level puzzles:

  • Use situations organic to the game
  • Showcase game characters
  • Engages viewers with possible outcomes
  • Attracts players from other genres

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Angry Birds Dream Blast, Hero Wars

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge and mastery

Match 3 App Ads

Concept: Puzzle Challenge

Create concepts that use simple puzzles to introduce game characters and gameplay:

  • Use situations organic to the game
  • Showcase game characters
  • Engages viewers with possible outcomes
  • Attracts players from other genres

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Fishdom, Angry Birds Dream Blast, Sweet Escapes, Genies & Gems

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in challenge and completion

Match 3 App Ads

Concept: Design & Renovation

Create concepts that leverage design and self-expression:

  • Build/renovate Toon settings
  • Renovate Toon assets such as the car
  • Makeovers for Bruno, Wally & Cooper
  • Can utilize pickers to design & renovate

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Lily’s Garden, Vineyard Valley, Wild Life: Puzzle Story, Matchington Mansion, Sweet Escapes

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in expression and customization

design and renovation ads

Concept: Peril Picker

Create concepts that leverage Toon-style animation in perilous situations:

  • Feature Toon characters (Bruno, Wally & Cooper)
  • Feature Toon-style assets (anvil, mallet, boxing glove)
  • Use pickers to choose items to help the character

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Manor Cafe

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players interested in expression and customization

peril picker ads

Non-Competitor Concept: Celebrity Influencer

Create concepts that leverage a celebrity spokesperson:

  • Feature celebrities or influencers playing and/or reviewing the game
  • Utilize Cameo if no current celeb/influencer relationships in place

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Skillz, Jackpocket, Coin Master

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game

non-influencer celebrity ads

Non-Competitor Concept: Testimonial

Create concepts featuring player testimonials:

  • Written testimonials from Facebook, Google Play store
  • Voice over testimonials with gameplay
  • Filmed testimonials split screen with gameplay
  • Legitimizes game

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Match to Win, Solitaire Epic Adventure, Bingo Clash, Lucky Day, Episode

Player Motivations:

  • Targets players unfamiliar with the game

Testimonial ads

More Peak Toon Blast Ad Secrets Revealed!

Download Toon Blast Secrets Today!


Check out more of our creative here!

Please reach out to sales@consumeracquisition.com if you have any questions about our Match 3 App Creative Best Practices and Recommendations. We power some of the world’s largest mobile game advertisers on Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads.

IDFA Loss Will Kill A/B Creative Testing

Are you ready for Apple’s removal of IDFA to kill iOS A/B creative testing across Facebook, Google, and TikTok? We’ve covered IDFA Armageddon across several articles (Adapt and Thrive; IDFA Armageddon Part 3, IDFA Armageddon Part Deux, IDFA Armageddon). By current estimates, iOS14.5 and IDFA removal appears to be about 7-14 days from launch.

iOS Days in Beta
Courtesy of ThinkyBits

As we have covered, creative has become the single most powerful lever for mobile app advertisers’ financial optimization. Now, we’re highlighting an iOS14 substantial impact on the way most mobile app companies A/B test their iOS creative. There are big risk factors at play. The loss of deterministic attribution coupled with account simplification required by Apple’s SKAN network limited tracking capabilities, along with Facebook’s AAA and Google’s UAC automated media buying algorithms will make A/B creative testing very challenging, if not impossible. It is very likely that dynamic creative optimization (DCO) using asset feeds will replace the simplicity, precision, and certainty of A/B creative testing of videos on a one-by-one basis.

iOS A/B Creative Testing Workflow Today

First, let’s highlight a common iOS A/B testing workflow today. Currently, a mobile app advertiser typically works with an internal team or creative studios to produce videos, iterations, resizes, and localizations. Then, the creative review process﹘ which includes comments, revisions, and eventual approval ﹘is done in a workflow automation tool like our Creative Studio, Wrike, or Asana.com. Once the creative is approved, it’s uploaded into a platform’s (Facebook, Google, TikTok, etc.) iOS ad account media library. We prefer to do our A/B testing on Facebook given the granular controls and the detailed, easy-to-use asset-level reporting. (See our recommendation here.)

A/B creative testing
Consumer Acquisition’s Creative Studio



Next, the user acquisition team conducts A/B testing using a simple image/video format against an audience. Our process has been built leveraging deterministic tracking and 1:1 asset-level reporting of multi-stage creative’s lifecycle testing. This process spans from IPM to ROAS across the learning phase to the eventual optimized phase in an iOS account. A/B creative test reporting is coupled with client-provided revenue targets frequently provided by an MMP (Appsflyer, Adjust, Singular, Kochava). So, the success or failure of a final creative test can easily be based on ROAS or the cost-effective early IPM signal. There are of course different strategies for In-App Ad (IAA) Apps vs In-App Purchase (IAP) Apps.

A/B creative testing
Our 3-Step Creative Testing Process for IAP (In-App-Purchases)
In-App Ad
Our 3-Step Creative Testing Process for IAA (In-App-Advertising)

How This Affects Android Apps

Fortunately, advertisers with Android apps who are NOT using Facebook’s AAA algorithm can copy their iOS A/B testing best practices over to their Android app. They can continue testing on Facebook, using their Android app instead of their iOS app. Then, they can move the winners to iOS or other platforms. Also, they’ll maintain their ability to A/B test and see results at the individual asset level. Their current testing processes remain intact even if they shift from iOS to Android – which has ROAS implications. However, if you don’t have an Android app or you have fully embraced Facebook’s AAA algorithm or Google’s UAC, get ready for a different way to A/B test – ASSET FEEDS!

The Likely Impact on Creative Testing and Creative Strategy

A/B creative testing Split Test
The loss of A/B Creative Testing will require a new strategy for campaign optimization.


Unfortunately, the trifecta of IDFA loss, account simplification required by SKAN with the use of Facebook’s AAA or Google UAC and their asset feeds will likely have an immediate impact on creative testing and creative strategy. Here are some of the ways:

  • Most major platforms (Facebook, Google, Tik Tok, Snap) will have limited account configurations due to iOS14 SKAN tracking limitations. iOS 14 accounts will be restricted to 9-11 campaigns with 5 ad sets per campaign, meaning you’ll have 45-60 permutations. It will be difficult to justify using very limited ad slots for creative testing given the aforementioned account configuration restrictions.
  • Facebook (XML feed spec), Google (XML feed spec), and TikTok (XML feed spec) have recently published solutions for asset-level reporting data tied to dynamic asset-feeds for creative. We believe these announcements will be rolled out quickly post-IDFA loss and ATT implementation. The solutions attempt to:
    • Allow creative partners to tag, track and measure the performance of individual media.
    • Allow basic dynamic reporting (eg. CTR, spend/asset, clicks, impressions) for an individual asset in the Ad Set. However, they appear to not allow for multivariate-level reporting of the combination of ad copy, headline, and creative.
    • Prevent MMP data from being married to asset feeds based on the current platform’s specs. This may be a concern for companies leveraging their reporting to make creative or financial decisions from A/B testing.
    • Help with fatigue identification through Google’s introduction of asset performance labels (Best/Good/Poor…). This will aid in asset feed performance diagnosis and is a starting point to provide simple suggestions for what asset to optimize or replace.

Creative Strategy Will Shift from Optimizing With Small Changes to New Concepts

Soon, creative strategy will shift from small changes to new concepts due to limited testing slots and opaque creative-level reporting. When creative optimization moves into asset feeds, the performance results of each creative will be blended together into a kind of creative blob. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to know the contribution of each element is optimized. So…

  • Creative iterations and variations based on the most effective asset in a portfolio, provide a higher likelihood for success but a much lower lift in performance (think < 5%).
  • Creative optimization is very likely to shift toward new concepts that take 5-20x as long to conceive and execute, but they offer a much higher potential for success (think 20% to 500%) and a correspondingly large risk of failure.
  • On average, we see a 5-15% success rate for new creative concepts, but when they succeed, the results can be a massive increase in KPI performance.
  • As creative becomes a targeting mechanism and user-intent filter, this new demand for fresh creative concepts vs iterations is certain to put a large strain on internal creative teams.

Technology Can Assist With Asset Feed Management

Remember, the change allows for new opportunities for your account strategy, structure and the technology you use. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Opportunity: Technology can assist with asset feed management.
    • Platform’s AI algorithms will strive to display the right assets to the right audience combos dynamically. As a result, it may not be readily apparent how the feed’s individual creative should be optimized to improve performance or fend off creative fatigue. It will no longer be clear if you should add a fresh creative to the Ad Set or introduce a simple variation.
    • Due to limitations in tracking, it may not be readily discernible which creative is driving results or performing the best. Unfortunately, reporting is very likely to not go down to the individual asset level when delivered through an asset feed. UA managers face a new challenge with developing automation to assist them with creative optimization. This will result in a technology opportunity to identify creative fatigue and prompt UA managers to optimize the account to jump in and refresh creative or Ad Set that is fatiguing.
    • Mobile app advertisers are likely to benefit from 3rd party adtech that displays cross-platform creative analysis. Therefore, they can identify which creative to leave in/out/replace and how best to improve overall creative performance.

Technology Can Automate Testing and Deployment of New Creative

Also, there’s another opportunity technology can help you with.

  • Opportunity: Technology can automate analysis and deployment of creative across many platforms into simplified campaign structures. Solutions will need to be developed to provide creative level data, insights, and statistical models on performance. Which new concepts drive the greatest value? Which brief writer, storyboard artist, or designer excel at which ideas and apps? How do you identify and scale the best creative by creating an endless optimization loop? These are some of the questions we’re developing technology to provide answers to:
    • A simpler targeting format (country + language) makes it possible to “broadcast” a new creative across platforms without a UA manager’s manual intervention. For reference, think the automatic launch of creative across 5-10 networks with a button click.
    • Performance metrics across individual creative assets will become more opaque and introduce uncertainty around which creative is truly driving the best results in a Campaign / Ad Set. The automation process, therefore, will simplify the testing cycle and eliminate human error.
    • The simplification of campaigns will make it easier for software to automate audience building/review etc.  And, it will reduce the complexity of work required to build and maintain advertising accounts.
    • A UA manager can increase their focus on asset-level deployment and management because of the simpler targeting format. Now, they’ll detect winners early across various platforms (social networks, SDK networks, etc) too. In fact, this will ensure each creative is easily uploaded, tested, and reported on across all platforms.

How We Can Help

Our Creative Studio provides breakthrough creative ideas from our elite Hollywood storytelling creative team with vast animation and social advertising experience. We can help unlock original creative concepts that make Facebook, Google, Tiktok, and Snap advertising profitable. Please reach out to Sales@ConsumerAcquisition.com if you would like to get creative driven by performance.

Romance App Ads Pocket Gems’ Episode: Creative Strategy

Creative is an advertiser’s best opportunity for a competitive advantage in social advertising, and it has been since 2019. Soon, the combination of Facebook’s and Google’s Media buying automation with Apple’s removal of IDFA will make ‘winning’ creative ﹘the five percent of Facebook videos that are successful﹘of paramount importance. Here we break down Romance App Ads Pocket Gems’ Episode with competitive trends & creative recommendations, so you can learn from creative best practices.

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Episode’s Competitive Analysis

  • Competitors: Choices: Stories You Play, Chapters: Interactive Stories, Lily’s Garden: Design & Relax, Moments: Choose Your Story, Linda Brown: Interactive Story, Journeys: Interactive Series, My Story: Choose Your Own Path, What’s Your Story?, Secrets: Game of Choices, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, Tabou Stories: Love Episodes, Covet Fashion, Dreame, Galatea: Immersive Stories, iReader: Novel, Readict: Novels and More, Wattpad: Read & Write Stories, Kiss: Read & Write Romance, Hooked: Chat Stories, Lure: Interactive Chat Stories, Radish.

Romance App Ads

Episode’s Top Ads & Platforms

romance app ads

Romance Creative Trends

  • Female Story: Women overcoming obstacles and misbehaving men (Hooked, Choices, Chapters, Readict, Dreame, Kim Kardashian)
  • Female Story/Pregnancy: Pregnancy and the challenges of motherhood featured prominently. (Choices, Chapters, Dreame, Readict)
  • Choices: Choosing an option that directs the narrative. (Chapters, Choices)
  • Testimonial: Focused on a player’s review and/or experience of the game. (Hooked, Wattpad)
  • R-Rated Humor: Risque, bawdy, sexually suggestive, and other adult humor. (Choices, Chapters, Dreame, Readict)
  • Pop Culture: Concepts that leverage pop culture and trends. (Hooked)
  • Relaxation: Concepts that tout relaxation as a primary benefit. (Dreame)

Romance App Ads

Romance App Creative

Episodes: What’s Working

  • Quick vignettes are perfect for short attention spans and are culturally relevant
  • Characters are quirky, aspirational, and realistic
  • The graphic look is recognizable and polished
  • Creative pushes boundaries but does not devolve into poor taste or misogynist fare
  • Stories feature a diverse and inclusive cast of characters

Romance App Ads

Romance Iteration Ideas

  • Continue short vignettes featuring multiple characters
  • UGC testimonials are a good way to break up animation
  • Character design concepts will engage users interested in decoration/design
  • Social connection is another way to tell a story with less animation
  • Try more concepts that engage the user as if they’re a character
  • Try more concepts with humor around real-life situations (e.g., whether to shave your legs)

Romance App Ads

Romance Creative Trends

Concept: Female Story

Create videos with female-centered narratives:

  • Overcoming badly behaving men
  • Jealousy scenarios with men & women
  • Female empowerment
  • Narrative techniques can include:
    • Choose the option to affect the narrative
    • Pickers (picking clothes, hair, etc for a makeover)
    • Social media (text chats between characters)

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Choices, Chapters, Readict, Dreame, Kim Kardashian

Player Motivations:

  • Immersion, romance, quality stories

Romance App Ads

Concept: Female Story/Pregnancy

Create videos that have pregnancy as the central topic:

  • Renovation pickers to create the perfect environment for baby
  • Who’s the father/jealousy scenarios
  • Single mothers overcoming obstacles to raise their child

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Choices, Dreame, Chapters

Reader Motivations: 

  • Escapism, Immersion, Romance

Romance App Ads

Concept: Choose What’s Next

Create videos that simulate choose your own adventure stories:

  • Usually female-centered stories
  • Wide range of scenarios involving dating, cheating, jealousy, or choosing between action and apathy
  • Dual choices keep it simple

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Choices, Chapters

Reader Motivations: 

  • Immersion, Fantasy, Being someone else

Romance App Ads

Concept: Testimonials

Create testimonial videos and images featuring user reviews:

  • Reviews from Google Play & App Store
  • Supered or voice over quotes
  • Filmed UGC
  • Try different categories/genres to target users

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Readict

Reader Motivations: 

  • Quality stories

Romance App Ads

Concept: R-Rated Humor

Utilize double entendres and other suggestive languages to attract users interested in more adult stories:

  • Dating and relationship issues
  • Jealousy scenarios with men & women
  • Control/power scenarios
  • Narrative techniques can include:
    • Choose the option to affect the narrative
    • Social media (text chats between characters)

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Chapters, Choices, Dreame

Reader Motivations: 

  • Quality stories

R-Rated Humor

Concept: Pop Culture – Memes

Create videos/images that leverage current events and/or pop culture: 

  • Meme format
  • Pair with app imagery
  • Pair with stock photos
  • Humorous takes on romance genre and relationships

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Chapters

Reader Motivations: 

  • Fun, romance

Pop Culture and Memes

Concept: Diverse Stories

Explore stories that are inclusive of all types of relationships:

  • Same-sex couples
  • Interracial couples
  • Unique situations utilizing a broader definition of family

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Dreame, Chapters, Choices, Readict

Reader Motivations: 

  • Immersion, fantasy, relatable narrative

Diverse Stories

Concept: User/Character Interaction

Create concepts that simulate a user interacting with a character in the story:

  • Character texting user
  • User reacting to various characters
  • Character talking to a user

Competitors Utilizing Trend:

  • Hooked, Dreame, Readict

Player Motivations: 

  • Fantasy, immersion, romance

User and Character Interaction

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Check out more of our creative here!

Check out more of our creative here!

Please reach out to sales@consumeracquisition.com if you have any questions about our Romance App Creative Best Practices and Recommendations. We power some of the world’s largest mobile game advertisers on Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads.


Read Our

Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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