June 2022 Mobile App UA and Creative Roundup

Read our June 2022 roundup of platform updates and creative trends for mobile app marketers. An algorithm update from Instagram gives more exposure to original posts, rather than recycled content from TikTok. Facebook offers creative fatigue guidance to recover ad performance sooner. And millennial consumers are willingly watching explainer ads with absurd humor.

To beat the 95% failure rate of ad creative, INK Games partnered with us to develop and test creative over a year before the global launch of their mobile game Prize Kingdoms. Our newest case study shares how we created 130 new video ad concepts, the official 1-minute game trailer, a 1-minute narrative CG commercial, and a 30-sec live action commercial.

June 2022 Mobile App UA and Creative Roundup

Here’s a sneak peek into the world of Prize Kingdoms!

UA and Creative Trends in June 2022

Instagram Updates and Hot Tips June 2022
Instagram Hot Tips and Updates June 2022

Reels will be ranked above recycled TikTok content, Subscriptions attract monetizing viewers, and Product Tags drive native purchases.

 TikTok Marketing Partner Program
Consumer Acquisition Joins the TikTok Marketing Partner Program as an Official Creative Partner

Our global network of experienced storytellers, designers, and video editors helps advertisers scale the volume and quality of their TikTok advertising.


in-game advertising trends

[Infographic] In-Game Advertising Trends

Non-gaming companies are seeing ROI with in-game advertising thanks to contextual placement, brand-safe environments, and captive audiences.


Facebook predicts creative fatigue

New Facebook Tool Predicts Creative Fatigue

Facebook Ads Manager introduces new guidance when ads are predicted to fatigue so advertisers can recover performance sooner.


Entersplainer Videos

A unique breed of advertisement is gaining traction among Gen Z and millennial consumers: hilarious explainer videos we’re calling entersplainers.

entersplainer explainer videos creative trends June 2022
Still from Thryve/Ombre Commercial


Comedic Approach

Check out how complex, nuanced, or even boring products and services drive performance through this comedic approach.

  • Grab viewers with topics, not products
  • Provide an absurd yet earnest call to action
  • Combine unexpected narrators, locations, and props

Humor can work for any industry if you’re willing to experiment.

INK Games Case Study: Launching With 130+ Tested Ads

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

In our newest case study, we share how INK Games will launch worldwide with a treasure trove of 130+ tested ad creatives to help them scale as fast as possible.

  • An early partnership with a creative studio can improve creative strategy
  • Early ad creative testing can reduce development cycles by validating game mechanics and user motivations
  • A repository of tested ad creative enables faster scaling upon launch
  • A creative studio with media buying expertise reduces the UA burden on the internal development team

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Upcoming Webinar


Register for this Thursday’s webinar: Why Performance Advertising Needs Great Storytelling. Discover how any app can drive performance through Direct Response Storytelling for TikTok, Reels, Snapchat, and YouTube. Our creative team will answers all your questions live.

Explore our On-Demand Webinars here, including our most popular topic ever, Influencers vs. TikTok: Get the Right Ads For Your Brand.

Check Out Our Creative Reels!

Reels May 2022

For more information on the UA trends we will be watching in 2022, please contact sales@consumeracquisition.com.

Instagram Hot Tips and Updates June 2022

Instagram updates mean new opportunities for advertisers:

  • Original Reels ranked above recycled TikTok content
  • Instagram Subscriptions attract monetizing viewers
  • Product Tags drive native purchases

Instagram Hot Tips and Updates June 2022

Continuing to thrive, Instagram reported $12 billion in revenue in Q1 2022 and over 1.4 billion active users per month. As Instagram rolls out more creator-driven features, we expect the partnership between creators and advertisers to only grow. To unlock new audiences and adapt to Instagram’s changing environment, advertisers need to know about fresh features and updates. Our market insights and creative expertise come from managing over $3.5 billion in creative and social ad spend for the world’s largest mobile apps and web-based performance advertisers. Contact us here to work with our team of Instagram marketing experts providing ad creative and managed user acquisition services.

Instagram Updates June 2022
Source: Instagram for Business


Product Tagging

“From supporting brands you love to helping your friends and family discover new products they may like, sharing products on Instagram just got easier.” With this announcement, Product Tags became available to all users, offering advertisers a new avenue for reaching potential customers. Using the new tagging feature, users can tag the brand and then specify the product being shown on the post. If another user then clicks on the tag, they will have access to detailed information about the product through a product detail page. From there, users can confirm the purchase directly in-app. Brands will have a much easier time driving clicks into their online shop, thanks to the 1.6 million users who tag at least one brand per week. An upcoming feature, currently being tested in the US, will also allow brands to schedule product launches directly on their Instagram Shop.

Instagram Updates June 2022
Source: Search Engine Journal


Instagram Subscriptions Means New Advertising Opportunities

Instagram’s long-awaited subscription feature provides creators with a new way to monetize their content. After setting a monthly cost, creators can offer additional content to their most loyal followers, which is in the form of Subscriber Lives and Subscriber Stories. Additionally, subscribers will get a purple Subscriber Badge that shows up next to their username. Advertisers working with creators can find new opportunities with this loyal audience of paying subscribers.

Currently, creators can offer subscriptions ranging from $0.99 to $99.99. The higher amounts are ideal for private meetings such as online courses through the platform. The subscription model seems quite flexible. This means creators will come up with new and exciting ways of utilizing this feature.

Instagram Updates June 2022
Source: Instagram for Business


Original Reels Ranked Above Recycled TikTok Content

It’s been almost two years since Reels were introduced on Instagram. Initially, they had a maximum duration of 15 seconds, which has since been substantially increased. As of last month, users now have access to 90-second Reels to give creators more time to tell their stories. One of the platform’s latest updates gives more exposure to original posts, rather than those taken from other platforms such as TikTok. Instagram Head Adam Mosseri said the algorithm change was an effort to support creators, with a promise to “…do more to try and value original content more particularly compared to reposted content.” Instagram continues to modify its ranking system. As a result, original Reels content will be critical for brands and creators to drive performance.


Want better results from Instagram UA?

Working with a knowledgeable marketing partner that can provide extensive quantitative creative testing ensures you get the best performance from your Instagram ads. Email us at sales@consumeracquisition.com to discuss your user acquisition goals.

INK Games Prize Kingdoms Case Study

INK Games Prize Kingdoms Case Study – How to prepare for a global launch by optimizing ad creative early.

  • An early partnership with a creative studio can improve creative strategy
  • Early ad creative testing can reduce development cycles by validating game mechanics and user motivations
  • A pre-launch repository of tested ad creative enables faster scaling upon launch
  • A creative studio with media buying expertise reduces UA burden on an internal development team

Ink Games Prize Kingdoms Case Study

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

For our client INK Games, we developed 130 new ad concepts, the official 1-minute game trailer, a 1-minute narrative CG commercial, and a 30-sec live-action commercial for their forthcoming mobile game Prize Kingdoms. From storyboards through production, we created entirely original 3D computer animation along with motion graphics, 2D animation and FX, text animations, lighting effects, character rigging, illustrations, and character design. We also developed original scripts and animatics, ran two casting sessions, and completed two live-action shoots.

As a result of working with Consumer Acquisition, INK Games will go into worldwide launch with a treasure trove of tested ad creative to help them scale as fast as possible. Read on for how we did it.

Watch a sneak peek into the world of INK Games Prize Kingdoms!


Mobile game studio INK Games was seeking proven ad creative for the 2022 worldwide launch of their flagship social board game, Prize Kingdoms. To reduce the burden on their internal team, INK Games wanted an agency with rigorous A/B testing expertise that could simultaneously act as a creative partner. Their priority was a one-stop shop that specialized in fast creative prototyping and even faster UA scaling. INK also wanted a team with illustration, 3D animation, and storytelling skills that could amplify the look, feel, and narrative spirit of the game.

INK Games Prize Kingdoms Case Study

For a new game without known IP, initial viability is directly tied to top-of-funnel ad creative. A game may appear to be underperforming, when in fact, the ad creative is not resonating with audiences. INK wanted to eliminate false negatives about their game viability by launching with a massive repository of tested ad creative. Similarly, INK understood the need to test dozens of ad creatives to find the few that were worth spending heavily against. Without proper planning, untested ad creative becomes a bottleneck to spend and INK’s goal was to scale as quickly as possible upon launch.

INK Games Prize Kingdoms



Understanding the high failure rate of mobile ad creative, INK partnered with Consumer Acquisition over a year before the worldwide launch to begin developing, testing, and optimizing an enormous backlog of UA creative. In a highly collaborative and flexible process, our creative team helped inform strategy, providing recommendations based on creative testing. Prize Kingdoms gameplay appeals to different types of player motivations including personalized board building, high-stakes dice rolling, and competitive clubs and leagues. As the game evolved and new features were added, we adapted ad creative to test what was resonating most with players.

Early in game development, INK Games identified the following motivations for players:

  • Progression through leveling up, exploring new game boards, and unlocking new features
  • Collection of totems, skins, monuments, and zeppelins
  • Social/Competition through competitive clubs and leagues

Many game developers come to Consumer Acquisition with existing in-game assets. But our creative team was deeply embedded in the development process from the very beginning of the partnership. With a shared workflow, both teams were able to efficiently collaborate as the game was developed and assets evolved. Similarly, our internal creative and user acquisition teams worked together closely to efficiently align creative development with UA goals using our proprietary Ad Concept Model, a proven process to generate fresh, relevant creative assets for efficient testing.

3D, CG & Live Action

In the spirit of “try everything,” INK wanted 3D animation and live-action in their creative repository. They wanted to amplify the high quality of the game experience. Competitive trends showed the success of narrative-driven live-action and cinematic CG ads in the market. Additionally, longer form and higher fidelity creative allowed for more versioning to cut up and test. This made asset production, even more, cost-effective.

INK Games Prize Kingdoms



Working with Consumer Acquisition, INK Games will go into worldwide launch with a treasure trove of tested ad creative. This repository of tested assets will allow Prize Kingdoms to scale quickly upon launch without losing momentum. In a partnership with INK Games spanning over a year, Consumer Acquisition has developed:

  • 130 new, tested ad concepts
  • A 30-sec live-action commercial
  • A 1-minute CG narrative commercial
  • A 1-minute CG/live-action hybrid game trailer
  • Original illustrations and character design
  • 2D animation and character rigging

INK Games Prize Kingdoms


Illustration, Design, 3D, and Live-Action Work Developed by our Creative Studio Team

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Prize Kingdoms

INK Games Prize Kingdoms

Prize Kingdoms


Our creative expertise comes from managing $150m in monthly ad spend across Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads. Creating and testing 100K videos and images each year for clients provides us unparalleled insights into the evolving mobile advertising ecosystem. From our strategic analyses of IDFA loss and media buying automation, to tactical guidance for A/B testing, we ensure our clients can adapt and thrive. Contact us at sales@consumeracquisition.com to work with our team.

Creative Trends: Complex Products Get Funny Explainers

Check out our creative trends for Entersplainers – the funny explainer videos you need for your complex product ads.

  • Grab viewers with topics, not products
  • Provide an absurd yet earnest call to action
  • Combine unexpected narrators, locations, and props
  • Drive genuine interest in complex, nuanced, and boring products
  • Humor can work for any industry if you’re willing to experiment


Entersplainers: Advertisement’s new normal?

“We need to talk about your balls” and “let’s talk about your poop” are the declarations of a unique breed of product advertisements: comedic explainer videos we’re calling entersplainers. This ad style is growing in popularity among eCommerce and DTC marketers as it gains traction among Gen Z and Millennial consumers.

An entersplainer is just that– an ad that both entertains and explains a topic with the ultimate goal to sell a product. With their educational language and dry, versed talking points, these companies weave their story while successfully driving sales. By harnessing direct address with explanatory language, marketers create an informal and visually interesting presentation that melds both the personal and informative.


Open with Humor

Humor has long been a part of advertisement culture, and entersplainers are first and foremost funny. Depending on brand goals and willingness to experiment, humor can be industry agnostic and effective for everything from health and hygiene to mobile phone networks. As creative teams develop ad concepts, testing a trend like comical explainer videos can unlock new audiences.

If a product is particularly complex or nuanced, producing an informative ad while keeping the audience’s attention is a challenge. Entersplainers are so effective precisely because they keep an audience engaged for the duration. They provide context and introduce topics in a way that doesn’t feel like an ad, but rather a comedic skit. This presentational style can extend an ad’s reach– especially if it is a skippable ad– and may be shared among peer groups while also helping with ad recollection. A 2022 study in Psychology & Marketing showed humor in advertising positively affects an audience’s attitude toward a product and toward the brand, as well as “increased attention and processing.”


Hook Them with Absurdity

Entersplainers often start with an unconventional appeal to the viewer: an absurd yet earnest call to action. Thryve, now known as Ombre, provides at-home health tests and nutritional supplements. However, their ad creative doesn’t start with their product. Instead, they open with the phrase, “Let’s talk about your poop.” The phrase invites a reaction from the user, already starting a discourse. The surprise of the introduction begs the question: where could this possibly go from here?

Thryve/Ombre Enterplainers
Still from Thryve/Ombre commercial on Youtube


Thryve/Ombre Entersplainers

Thryve’s tone is bright, energetic, and curious throughout the presentation, marrying the topic of gut health with product explanations. The audience is captured by the absurd beginning and then held by the emotional energy. Who does want to talk about poop? Viewers will definitely pay attention now.

As younger consumers increasingly respond to absurdity in advertising, brands are adapting their messaging accordingly. Manscaped offers hygiene products and uses an introduction similar to Ombre: “We need to talk about your balls.” Both Ombre and Manscaped grab their viewers with topics, not products. This approach is similar to how influencer-style UGC focuses on people over products.

Manscaped Entersplainers
Still from Manscaped commercial on Youtube


Manscaped and Dr. Squatch Entersplainers

Narrators explain the importance of stomach and hygiene care, using both details and innuendos. This approach opens up highly personal and potentially embarrassing topics for discussion. By illuminating these topics, marketers build a sense of community with the target audience. The combination of absurd humor with earnest discussion is a novel break from the ordinary which helps keep viewers’ attention. Manscaped destigmatizes male hygiene. Ombre normalizes gut health. Dr. Squatch adds a humorous history of soap to help consumers understand why their product is different. Audiences willingly watch for an absurd take on these topics.


Dr. Squatch Entersplainers
Still from Dr. Squatch Commercial on Youtube

Here are some tactics to embrace the entersplainers ad style:

  • Find a broad topic that your product, service, or app can be a part of and position yourself within it.
  • Ensure your narrator is directly addressing the camera with confidence and a well-delivered script.
  • Mix statistics, science, and history with self-aware humor; bonus points for an unlikely narrator speaking on the topic.
  • To signify a change in topic, walk to a different location. Movement helps with the flow and pacing of the narrative and a pause places emphasis on specific details.
  • Embed an explanation within a contrasting scenario, such as Dr. Squatch’s school report in the middle of the woods.
  • Create unexpected combinations of locations and props to amplify the absurdity, like the in-house flamingos below.
Live Action Video Entersplainers
Still from a live-action commercial by Consumer Acquisition for Design Home from Glu/EA.


How We Can Help

From cinematic trailers to influencer-style UGC, our Creative Studio provides clients with creative, driven by Hollywood storytelling and quantitative analysis. Our creative expertise comes from managing $150m in monthly ad spend across Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads with clients like Disney, Zynga, Rovio, Nickelodeon, Yelp, Sun Basket, NBA, MLB, Roblox, Glu Mobile, Jam City, and many others. Our creative team is masters of influencer-style UGC creative, live-action, post-production, 3D animation, motion graphics, and illustration.

Creating and testing 100K videos and images each year for clients provides us unparalleled insights into the evolving mobile advertising ecosystem. From our strategic analyses of IDFA loss and media buying automation to tactical guidance for A/B testing, we ensure our clients can adapt and thrive. Contact us at sales@consumeracquisition.com to work with our elite creative team.

Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs Joins TikTok Marketing Partner Program as an Official Creative Partner

Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs Joins the TikTok Marketing Partner Program as an Official Creative Partner

TikTok Marketing PartnerTikTok advertisers now have access to proven performance-driven creative through this leading Creative Studio


Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs Joins TikTok Marketing Partner Program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – June 2, 2022 – Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs announced its acceptance as a TikTok Creative Partner and participation in TikTok’s Creative Exchange. As part of the TikTok Marketing Partner Program, advertisers can work with Consumer Acquisition as a trusted creative partner for best-in-class TikTok videos for ad campaigns.

Brian Bowman, Consumer Acquisition founder, said:

“Advertisers looking to reach TikTok audiences often recycle ad creative from other channels, but TikTok requires a unique people-first approach to advertising. Our Creative Studio offers a global network of experienced storytellers, designers, and video editors to help companies scale the volume and quality of their TikTok advertising. Our team is a master of influencer-style UGC creative, live-action, post-production, 3D animation, motion graphics, and illustration tailored for TikTok.”

Jyri Kidwell, Director of Creative Partnerships at TikTok, said:

“We’re thrilled to welcome Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs to the TikTok Marketing Partner Program. Their strategic approach to developing creative research and testing is a value to marketers and we look forward to adding their Creative Studio team as a Creative Partner for our advertisers.”

Industry Expertise

Consumer Acquisition’s industry expertise comes from managing over $3.5 billion in creative and paid social spend for the world’s largest mobile apps and performance advertisers. These include Electronic Arts, Disney, Bumble, Roblox, Wooga, Zynga, NBA, and MLB. Their creative development process ensures that creative concepts align with target audience motivations and proven creative trends. Eliminating unfocused ideation and reducing creative waste improves efficiencies and ensures clients can maintain profitable ad spend. In addition to its Creative Studio, the company provides media buying services powered by its proprietary full-stack marketing platform AdRules. Through Brainlabs, clients have access to a full suite of digital marketing services. These services include programmatic, paid search, SEO, CRO, GMP, and data strategy.

To see Creative Studio for TikTok advertisers in action, visit www.consumeracquisition.com/reels.


About Consumer Acquisition by Brainlabs

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition is a technology-enabled marketing services company and creative studio. They provide end-to-end, results-driven creative storytelling, integrated user acquisition, and creative optimization. Consumer Acquisition has managed over $3.5 billion in creative and social ad spend for the world’s largest mobile apps and performance advertisers. These include Disney, Zynga, Rovio, Bumble, Nickelodeon, Yelp, Sun Basket, NBA, MLB, Roblox, Glu Mobile, Jam City, and many others. Consumer Acquisition was acquired by digital marketing agency Brainlabs in December 2021. To learn more, visit consumeracquisition.com.


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Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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