Launches Shutterstock Collection Within Custom Ad Creation Studio

Creative Studio Carries Shutterstock’s Library of over 180 Million Images and Videos. Providing Advertisers with Fresh Custom Ad Creation Content and Editing Solutions to Scale Ad Creative

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – February 2018

Shutterstock Collection within Custom Ad Creation Studio, a Facebook Marketing Partner offering the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform, today announced that Shutterstock’s library of over 180 million images and videos will now be available through its Creative Studio. Starting today, advertisers can access Shutterstock’s content through a unified marketplace. From there, they can tap into professional video editors, designers, and ad copywriters to generate custom ad creation. The custom ad creation can be used for Facebook, Instagram, and Google’s universal app campaigns.

Brian Bowman, CEO of Consumer Acquisition, said: “Shutterstock’s content library will greatly enhance our Creative Studio offering and allow us to grow our partnerships with major brands as they look to create high-performance ad creative at scale. Advertisers need to quickly replace fatigued ads and discover new winners. This will result in maintaining a profitable return on ad spend (ROAS). Shutterstock’s vast video and image collection combined with our resources for generating ad creative is a key offering that we can now provide through our Creative Studio.”

Shutterstock images and videos now available through Consumer Acquisition’s proprietary Creative Studio will enable creative innovation at scale. The marketplace connects advertisers with a global network of video editors, designers, and ad copywriters. They develop branded content iterations for the fast-paced ad market of today. Advertisers simply write a creative brief or collaborate with a concierge service for brief writing and creative management. Then, they receive videos, images, and ad copy ready for testing. After running selected ad creatives on Facebook or Google platforms, performance reports automatically identify poor performers and recommend new ad creative launches. Additionally, the Creative Studio offers enhanced reporting capabilities by rolling up data across creatives elements. Also, by drilling down to uncover meaningful insights and robust ad-building capabilities.

About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition is a badged Facebook and Google Marketing Partner that offers the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform with a Creative Studio for Google and Facebook, AI-powered automation, and action-based reporting for Facebook Advertisers. The company has acquired over 100 million app installs and leads for Glu Mobile, Checkout51, EBATES, Lucktastic, TubiTV, and many others.

Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

Google® is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.

Media Contact: Kate Pietrelli for Consumer Acquisition

custom ad creation

Facebook Video Ad Trends: Creating Ads That Convert

Facebook Video Ad Trends: Creating Ads That Convert. As seen on Mobile Marketing Watch. See the original post here.


Facebook Video Ad Trends


Facebook video ad trends, or digital and mobile video advertising, have been on the rise among marketers for quite some time, with eMarketer reporting a 67% growth in spending since 2015. Due to a marked improvement in viewability rates, consumers are now beginning to respond more positively to Facebook video ads with increased engagement. At the same time, platforms are experimenting with emerging video ad formats, such as Facebook stories.

Marketers can master video ad creation by harnessing ad creative automation. This way, advertisers can create fast iterations of beautiful video ads that are both on-brand and personalized, based on user interests, platform, and device. Brands should broaden their approach to video ads this year to ensure they don’t miss out on opportunities to connect with audiences.

Here are the top trending video ad formats that you should consider for your digital marketing campaign strategy:

1. Facebook Story Ads

Facebook Story Ads are vertical, visual advertisements placed in the Stories feed on mobile devices. With more Facebook users take advantage of stories, this ad format helps users capture their audiences’ attention. Story video ads can run up to 15 seconds and look similar to Instagram stories – creating a full-screen experience. This placement offers advertisers the opportunity to boost leads, conversions, traffic, and/or brand awareness.

As a bonus, Facebook story ads present lower CPM rates due to lower competition. Best practices for creating story ads are:

  • Use clear visuals
  • Create time-sensitive content
  • Keep it short (and fast)
  • Use a clear call-to-action
  • Optimize for mobile devices

facebook video ad

2. Transforming Still Images into Facebook Video Ad

Facebook marketers are now experimenting with taking still image assets and turning them into dynamic video ads. Facebook reviewed hundreds of top-performing ads and identified four different categories in which all of these ads fell into:

  • Brand in Motion: Adding motion to the brand or logo
  • Basics in Motion: Still images animated with 1-2 elements in motion
  • Benefit in Motion: Animating the benefit messaging in the ad with typography
  • Demo in Motion: Demonstrating an app, website product or feature with the ad

Adding just this bit of animation to stills can be as simple as just a few layers with different characters moving and use of music, and still be eye-catching to viewers. The following best practices help to improve your videos and increase the ad’s user value:

Brand in Motion

A video with an emphasis on your brand. You can add excitement by showing a portion of a video and then showing an aspect of your brand. Imagine a brand in motion followed by a logo in motion.

Basics in Motion

A simple video or animation. You can start from a still image and add some movement like a few layers with different characters moving. You can also use music to add excitement.

Benefit in Motion

A video with an emphasis on your products’ benefits. Tell the user what to expect and why they should play. You can achieve this quickly by showing characters, levels, actions, etc. Using a short ad copy to highlight benefits is a very effective strategy.

Demo in Motion

A video with an emphasis on how your product works. For mobile games, screen capture gameplay and place it inside a phone. This simple video works because it shows actual gameplay on a mobile device, and shows the viewer that it’s a mobile game to be downloaded.


3. 6-Second Video Ads

Recently, YouTube started offering marketers the chance to capture the attention of mobile audiences with bite-sized, six-second videos. As a result, the format has taken off. These ads aim to tell an entertaining, funny, or smart story in just six seconds. And, yes, it’s actually possible.

Viewers are much more open to watching a super quick video before or as an interstitial to content because of the brevity and direct message. In particular, six-second videos resonate with the attention levels of younger consumers. Facebook is starting to work with some of its advertisers with the new format, and we expect the short videos to be the immediate future of video advertising this year.

4. Playable Facebook Video Ads

It’s getting harder and harder to engage viewers with simple banner ads — “banner blindness” is a real issue plaguing the ad market. These mobile “‘playable” video ads literally let viewers play a part in a game immediately before showing the call to action for conversion. Both players and advertisers alike are liking the effectiveness of the new format.

The popular format is really only best suited for game publishers; however, so most other app categories will likely miss out on a playable use case.

5. Rewarded Facebook Video Ads

Viewers want something in return for their time watching an ad — hence the introduction of rewarded video ads. For gaming apps, rewards are in-app items like game currency or starter packs that boost player progress in-game. For non-gaming apps, rewards can also include unlocking exclusive content or access. Early research is already indicating that viewers are responding favorably to these new emerging formats—especially with mobile users receptive to playable and rewarded video ads, according to eMarketer.



Final Thoughts: How to Harness a Facebook Video Ad

Regardless of which video format that you decide to start running, it all begins with good creative and constant quantitative testing. In a market that is flush with video content and short viewer attention spans, iterating quickly and with a continuous stream of video creative to test is how marketers will succeed. Not only among the competition but in sourcing the most entertaining and effective videos for viewers.

Perhaps you start with six-second videos and videos from simple assets and graduate to more interactive formats like playable and rewarded. But, structure your creative pipeline such that you’re generating hundreds of video iterations monthly to publish and optimize. Ultimately, this is how marketers can keep with the latest, most effective trends in video advertising.

Learn more about our Creative Studio and how we can help you create engaging video ads at scale.



Creating Effective Videos For Facebook Mobile App Install Campaigns

Facebook and Google’s optimization capabilities have dramatically improved. Advances in machine learning and event bidding are radically reshaping and simplifying mobile user acquisition. As bidding becomes automated, creative becomes the differentiator of campaigns’ performance. Creating effective videos for Facebook mobile app install campaigns that will meet an organization’s financial objective can be challenging.


Creating Effective Videos For Facebook Mobile App Install Campaigns


On average, 95% of direct response creative fail to outperform best-performing ads on a portfolio making heavy creative testing necessary to achieve and sustain ROAS. At a high spend velocity, creative fatigues quickly. Constant creative testing is imperative to produce winners that will offset fatigue and maintain ROAS goals.

mobile app Install

Producing the quality and quantity of creative necessary to combat ad fatigue is not an easy task.  Common frustrations with creative that Facebook advertisers share are not having enough creative, creative that has stopped performing, creative has gone stale too quickly, too many IAB format to produce,  and scaling without burying teams.

To solve some of Facebook Advertisers’ most common creative challenges, our team at Consumer Acquisition has identified several ways to extend the life and performance of your existing creative – something you can try before starting from scratch, and Facebook has provided agile best practices for videos, and tips on how to create high-performing videos with limited assets.

But before you go on producing creatives, here are some creative questions to consider.

Creative questions to consider while designing Facebook Mobile App Install Campaigns

Design tips to extend an ad’s life

  • Story Telling
  • Image Format (Square, Horizontal, Vertical)
  • Image Layout (Split Screen, Grid, Horizontal Vertical)
  • Video (Length, Start & End Screen, CTAs)
  • Use of Primary Colors
  • Call-To-Actions & Placement
  • Types of Images (User Generated vs. Stock Photos)
  • One Product vs. Multiple Products
  • Mobile Device vs. No Mobile Device
  • Text in Image/Video (non-header)
  • Text Headers (Short/Long, Placement, Color, Font)
  • Background Images
  • Apple Store/Play Store Badge
  • Logos & Brand Placement


Agile Best Practices For Video

  • The first 0:03 really matters, so open your video with a strong image.
  • Don’t rely on sound, unless it’s important. In that case, emphasize it!
  • Text can help support the message, so use a clear & concise copy, in your videos.
  • Make it only as long as it needs to be. If it’s too long, shorten it.
  • If you have great characters, use them. Lean into your art and story.
  • Think about people’s motivation. Build for emotions, benefit & fun.


Creative best practices for creating new high converting videos with limited assets

A group of brand marketers, strategists, and creative directors at Facebook’ Creative Shop, reviewed hundreds of top-performing ads, identified four different categories in which all of these ads fell into:

  1. Basic in motion
  2. Brand in motion
  3. Benefit in motion
  4. Demo in motion,

and provided tips and best practices on how to improve videos to increase your ad’s user value.

Basics in Motion

A simple video or animation. You can start with a still image and add some movement like a few layers with different characters moving. You can also use music to add excitement.


Brand in Motion

A video with an emphasis on your brand. You can add excitement by showing a portion of the video and then showing an aspect of your brand. Imagine a brand in motion followed by a logo in motion.


Benefit in Motion

A video with an emphasis on your products’ benefits. Tell the user what to expect and why they should play. You can achieve this quickly by showing characters, levels, actions, etc. Using a short ad copy to highlight benefits is a very effective strategy.


Demo in Motion

A video with an emphasis on how your product works. For mobile games, screen capture gameplay and place it inside a phone.  This simple video works because it shows actual gameplay on a mobile device. Also, it shows the viewer that it’s a mobile game to be downloaded.


Final Thoughts about Mobile App Install Campaigns on Facebook


Facebook advertisers must constantly test fresh creatives in order to reach and sustain ROAS. Producing high-quality creative at the necessary volume can be challenging. However, there are cost-effective ways to achieve this goal. Before testing brand new concepts, advertisers can always breathe life into their existing creative to extend their performance by modifying several aspects of an ad such as colors, copy, background, and more.

Advertisers can also follow Facebook’s suggestions on how to produce high-converting videos with limited assets by animating certain aspects of a still such as a logo or a game character. Finally, all Facebook agencies and advertisers should be following Facebook’s agile best practices for creating high-performing videos.

Consumer Acquisition Attended Casual Connect 2018

Casual Connect 2018

Earlier this year, we attended Casual Connect 2018  at the Disneyland Hotel. Incredibly, we joined some of the most respected leaders in the game industry. Most noteworthy, were Disney Consumer Products & Interactive Media, Netmarble US, Ubisoft, and Oculus VR. Consequently, we shared and discussed insights and the latest trends within the industry. Including, creative best practices and the future of user acquisition. 

Creative Best Practices

Also, in addition to participating as a Platinum Sponsor, our chief executive officer, Brian Bowman, and our chief marketing officer, Tom Young, joined Rich Jones, from Facebook. And together they spoke about the future of user acquisition. First, Brian discussed the importance of creativity in driving mobile app advertising performance. Then, he introduced our Creative Marketplace and explained its benefits to advertisers. For example, using an external team brings in fresh, new ideas. As a result, an internal team can then create new variations on a winning concept.  

Future of User Acquisition

Next, Rich shared Facebook’s own creative best practices. Also, he discussed common challenges with video production. Then, he provided design tips for effective videos. In addition, Tom focused on Ad testing and best practices, and hypotheses. Furthermore, he explained how to take advantage of Facebook’s dynamic creative optimization (DCO). Finally, Brian ended the talk with exciting predictions about the future of user acquisition. Most importantly, he focused on Machine Learning and User Acquisition Bots. Therefore, you can watch the entire presentation below.


casual connect


MarTechSeries interviews our CEO, Brian Bowman.

MarTechSeries interviews our CEO, Brian Bowman. See the original article on MarTech Series.

MarTechSeries Interviews On Marketing Technology

MarTechSeries Interviews:

MTS: Tell us about your role and how you got here? What inspired you to envision a user acquisition solution for Facebook and Google?

I’m the founder and CEO of Consumer Acquisition, where I manage our business, strategic partnerships with Facebook and Google, and drive the vision of our future acquisition products and solutions for our clients. Hence, we’re in a highly dynamic and competitive industry that’s ever-changing. As a result, I focus on staying on top of technology and trends to produce results for our partners.

Prior to Consumer Acquisition, I was a consumer Internet executive for Disney, ABC, Match, and Yahoo and managed over $1B in performance-marketing spend. Almost five years ago, I saw an opportunity to focus on Facebook’s advertising marketplace. As a result, I envisioned an end-to-end solution for performance marketers like myself. Which is the basis for Consumer Acquisition’s tools and managed services today.

MTS: How does the Pay-for-Performance creative model differ from the modern programmatic adtech marketplace?

While a programmatic adtech marketplace focuses on arbitraging the best price and placement for an ad. We focus exclusively on Facebook, Instagram, and Google and offer a pay-for-performance solution within our Creative Studio. For our clients, it means that advertisers can source creative images and video concepts from our global network of designers. Also, sourcing ad copy from our UA experts. As a result, only paying for the ad creatives they choose to run. Therefore, this mitigates the cost of sourcing and producing high-performance creative at scale. And, this is really critical in a highly competitive market. Because providing fresh creative is a constant need for advertisers.

However, the alternative to a pay-for-performance marketplace like ours would be to hire an agency or in-house designer to create each set of ads needed. Regardless of whether the campaigns used ads. Consequently, the latter can be costly and inefficient.

MTS: In 2018, what would be the biggest expectations from customer acquisition platforms?

I believe advertisers are increasingly looking to creative automation and machine learning (AI) solutions to optimize ad campaigns. Also, creative marketplaces and AI have emerged in the generation, selection, and running of ad creatives. In addition, advertisers are curious to see how far the tools can go in streamlining campaign management and improving performance. As a result, 2018 will be an interesting year for Creative Studio and AI automation in the digital ad space.

MTS: What Martech startups are you watching/keen on right now?

We are not watching particular startups and focus instead on categories. In addition, we’re closely watching evolution in Creative Studio. Including how they solve the significant challenge of ad fatigue and machine learning. Particularly, how it can automate intraday management and automation of today’s user acquisition managers. Finally, we’re also watching the quick evolution of Playables & Rewarded videos and how blockchain will impact media buying.

MTS: What marketing services do your stack offer?

We provide an end-to-end user acquisition platform for Facebook and Google Advertisers. More specifically, we offer three main solutions:

Creative Studio: To help advertisers achieve successful creative at scale, we offer a pay-for-performance Creative Studio. Advertisers receive fresh images and videos from our global network of designers and only pay for the creatives they choose to run.  In addition, we provide a free concierge service to help with creative brief writing and feedback to designers.

AI-Powered Ad Automation: Consumer Acquisition developed AdRules to simplify user acquisition on Facebook and Instagram. AdRules brings AI automation to advertisers, providing a simple interface that allows them to automate nearly any process for ad management.

Managed Services: Consumer Acquisition’s team of user acquisition experts manage 100% of the work required to scale efficiently on Facebook and Instagram.  With a focus on rigorous a/b testing to optimize creative for your mobile game, app, or website our designers, editors and account managers work together to reduce your advertising costs. Also, we use our proprietary AI-Powered, AdRules ad management platform to manage ads in real-time around the clock.

MTS: Would you tell us about your standout digital campaign?

We recently worked with Glu Mobile on a sprint-like 3-week campaign. We delivered an uplift of 20% return on advertising spend (ROAS). More than increased revenue and return, we also shared best creative practices. In addition, we delivered winning creative concepts that also reduced non-converting spend. However, our ultimate focus is on building lasting relationships that continue to deliver value to our clients. For example, this was clearly the case with our partners at Glu.

MTS: How do you prepare for an AI-centric world as a business leader?

We’re actively experimenting with machine learning and AI and the potential impact on media buying and creative. Also, we track Facebook and Google’s increased optimization capabilities and now believe that creative has become the unique differentiator for performance. In addition, creative can NOT be algorithmically generated using AI or machine learning – YET!  As a result, we’re heavily investing in ways to scale video, image, and ad copy production.

This Is How I Work (MarTechSeries Interviews)


MTS: One word that best describes how you work.


MTS: What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Outside of our own platform solutions for managing our client campaigns and creative, we live and breathe Facebook and Google for their ever-evolving advertising solutions. Also, we are heavy users of Slack, Prosperworks, and Google Docs.

MTS: What’s your smartest work-related shortcut or productivity hack?

For pre-sales and sales activities, Prosperworks is a fantastic tool. It fully integrates with G-suite and saves us a tremendous amount of time.

MTS: What are you currently reading? (What do you read, and how do you consume information?)

Prodigiously reading Business Insider, Techcrunch, TechMeme, Facebook’s Blog, and Google’s Blog.

MTS: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t raise money unless you have to. As you immediately give up control and your focus as the CEO immediately changes.

MTS: Hashtag the one person in the industry whose answers to these questions you would love to read:


MTS: Thank you, Brian! That was fun and hope to see you back on MarTech Series Interviews soon.

MarTechSeries interviews

20 Creative Ways to Extend the Life of Your Social Ad Campaign

20 Creative Ways to Extend the Life of Your Social Ad Campaign. As seen in Target Marketing.

Extending the life of your social ad campaign

You’ve enjoyed the benefits of a winning social ad campaign for a while. And, with an eye-catching video that yields a high clickthrough rate (CTR), high relevance score, and low cost-per-install (CPI). But most importantly, you’ve got a high return on ad spend (ROAS). However, lately, you’ve noticed that your KPIs have started to decrease in performance, your CTR is decreasing, your CPI is increasing and your ROAS isn’t holding. As a result, your once strong ad creative is no longer thriving. What happened?

Well, with the increase in audience reach and spend, all creatives eventually fatigue, and performance drop. This happens when your social advertising ads have been seen by the same people too many times. As a result, the performance will start to decrease, and you’ll soon need to find strong replacement creatives to maintain your performance.

Yes, you could start from zero and try to generate brand-new creative concepts. However, this is a process you should be constantly doing. In addition, you should spend about 10 to 15 percent of your media budget on it. Yet, before you start spending on new concepts that you don’t know will perform, we recommend extending your existing campaign by breathing life into your current creative first. Below, we describe 20 simple modifications to freshen your creative to maintain performance for a longer period of time.

1. Background Image

Leave all of the elements of your creative the same, and change the background image only; single colors are usually best.

2. Image Copy

If you’ve already run several ad copy tests. Try placing a winning copy on the video or image in the header or directly over the creative.

3. Call to Action

Change the call to action to extend your ad’s life. If you’ve used “Download Now,” try “Play Now,” “Play Free” or a different CTA relevant to your business.

 4. Image Layout

Try reordering the elements of your creative. If you have text and images, try moving them around to give it a new look without completely changing the ad (horizontal vs vertical strips of text).

5. Image Colors

Is your image mainly blue? Try changing it to red, yellow, orange or green. We’ve found that primary colors work best to grab people’s attention.

6. Font Treatment

Again, if you’re not too strictly tied to your brand guidelines, try changing the font treatment to something significantly different.

7. Font Color

Besides font treatment, you can experiment with different font colors. Also, you can try bright against neutral colors and see what stands out.

social ad campaign

8. Add Logo

Do you have a recognizable brand? Add your logo if you haven’t already. And, even if your brand isn’t well-known, you can test an ad that includes your logo.

9. Remove Logo

Have you run ads with your logo? Try testing ads without your logo to see if it yields different or better results.

social ad campaign

10. Add Characters

Are you advertising a game with well-known characters? If so, add them to your ad. Your characters aren’t recognizable? It’s still worth a test.

11. Remove Characters

Have you already run your ads with your game characters? If so, remove the characters from your ad, and see if you can get better results.

social ad campaign

12. Add Products

If you are advertising an e-commerce or retail store, try adding and showcasing several products in one ad.

social ad campaign

13. Remove Products

Likewise, when advertising multiple products from an e-commerce or retail store, you can try removing them. Also, creating ads with just one product.

social ad campaign

This section refers to videos only.


14. End Card

If your video is decreasing in performance, change your end-card. Also, you can change the end card’s design as well as the Call To Action.


15. Add Effects

Adding effects to your winning video can significantly increase its performance. For example, effects can include sparkles, floating elements like coins or stars, or even fireworks.


16. Add Movement

Do you have a winning image? Why not turn it into a moving image? So, animate one or several elements to revive your image.


17. Video: Shorten Length to 8 Seconds Max

Shorter videos tend to outperform longer ones. So, if you’ve been running video ads longer than eight seconds, try shortening their length for better results.


18. Video: Focus on Gameplay

If you’re advertising a mobile game, focus your video ads on exciting elements of gameplay. Such as wins, credits and passing new levels.


19. Video: Add Copy

Most people don’t watch entire videos, and they probably won’t get to see your end card. As a result, include that CTA or text throughout the video in a banner.


20. Video: Include Interesting Transitions

Improve your video by including interesting transitions between scenes. Also, these can include transitions beyond your typical dissolve or fade in.


Consumer Acquisition joins Poshmark and Upwork at Mobile Growth SF

Our CEO, Brian Bowman, will be joining panelists from Poshmark and Upwork at Mobile Growth San Francisco. Mobile Growth is a community of mobile app advertisers, product managers, and developers committed to putting together informative events. Furthermore, the show will take place at Mobile Growth South Bay at Samsung on Thursday, December 14, 2017, at 6:30 pm to 9 pm.


Mobile Growth Summit


The evening will kick off with beer, soft drinks, and pizza. Also, attendees will hear lessons and best practices for the growth of app installs from industry experts. In addition, and most noteworthy, the panelists will discuss everything from organic and paid user acquisition, retention and engagement strategies, and more. Hence, here are the panelists who participated in the show:

Mobile Growth Summit Panelists


Thursday, December 14, 2017
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM


Mobile Growth South Bay at Samsung
665 Clyde Ave.
Mountain View, 94043


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.

Facebook Marketing Partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we are a Facebook Marketing Partner. This means that we are badged in Creative and AdTech. As a result, we are uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign. We can also help you with creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.

mobile growth summit


Consumer Acquisition’s Creative Studio Now Supports Google App Campaigns.

Consumer Acquisition announced its creative studio is the first to offer ad design services for both Facebook ads and Google App Campaigns.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – November 13, 2017, a Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner offers the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform, today announced that Google is now available as a channel in its Creative Studio. For the first time, advertisers can access high-performance videos, images, and ad copy from a unified creative marketplace. This marketplace engages video editors, designers, and ad copywriters for Facebook, Instagram, and Google universal app campaign designs.

Brian Bowman, CEO of Consumer Acquisition, said, “Since launching our Creative Studio, we’ve received tremendous interest from advertisers. They are encouraging us to support the creation of videos and images for Google’s universal app campaigns (UAC). Today, we’re thrilled to announce our full support for Google’s UAC campaigns.  With UAC, an advertiser can reach the right people across all of Google’s largest properties all from one campaign. They include Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.”

creative studio and Google

Consumer Acquisition’s proprietary Creative Studio offers creative innovation at scale. They accomplish this through access to a global network of video editors, designers, and ad copywriters.  Advertisers write a creative brief or collaborate with a concierge service for brief writing and creative management. Then, they receive videos, images, and ad copy ready for testing. After launching selected creatives, performance reports automatically identify poor performers and recommend new ad creative launches. Additionally, the platform offers enhanced reporting capabilities by rolling up data across creatives elements. Also, by drilling down to uncover meaningful insights and robust ad-building capabilities.

Bowman continued, “It’s imperative for our advertisers to launch and test creatives continuously on the two largest online advertising platforms. These platforms are Facebook and Google. An advertiser’s creative testing process drives the ability to achieve and sustain the return on ad spend (ROAS). In fact, we make this easy through our Creative Studio.”


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition is a badged Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner that offers the world’s first end-to-end user acquisition platform with a Creative Studio for Google and Facebook and AI-powered automation and action-based reporting for Facebook Advertisers. The company has acquired over 100 million app installs and leads for Glu Mobile, Checkout51, EBATES, Lucktastic, Brainwell, and many others.

Brian Bowman reveals the secrets to achieve and sustain profitable mobile app user acquisition from Facebook and Google

Because Mobile app advertising is constantly changing, as a result, what is effective today is irrelevant tomorrow. Hence, in this video, hear the best practices for profitable mobile app user acquisition growth. In addition, learn how emerging techniques like Creative Studios, dynamic creative testing, and UA Bots driven by machine learning, are altering the industry as we know it today.

Mobile App User Acquisition Growth

In addition, learn best practices for profitable customer acquisition growth. Also, learn emerging techniques to help generate high-quality mobile app user growth while maintaining effective performance. And, consequently, drive profitability to achieve financial goals.


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

mobile user google premier partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.

Facebook Marketing Partner

mobile user facebook and instagram marketing partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we’re a Facebook Marketing Partner badged in Creative and AdTech. So, we’re uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign and creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.



Consumer Acquisition attended Mobile Growth Forum 2017, Seattle

Consumer Acquisition attended Mobile Growth Forum, Seattle, the World’s Premium Mobile Games Event on October 24 and 25 in 2017.


Mobile Growth Forum


Consequently, hundreds of leading figures from top gaming companies, leading publishers, and influential indies attended. Hence, all for a chance to meet each other. 

Most noteworthy, Consumer Acquisition joined MGF as a diamond sponsor and speaker. In addition, Brian Bowman, our CEO, discussed The Future of User Acquisition. As a result, in his talk, Brian explained how crowdsourcing creatives, Facebook’s creative optimization, and UA bots are drastically changing the user acquisition landscape. And, he explained how to make the best of these changes. Finally, Brian shared several creative ideas to extend an ad’s life. Also, he offered the best practices for running Facebook agency competitions.

mobile growth forum


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.

Facebook Marketing Partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we’re a Facebook Marketing Partner badged in Creative and AdTech. So, we’re uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign and creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.



Read Our

Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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