Top 10 U.S. Mobile App Advertising Agency is a Top 10 U.S. Mobile App Advertising Agency. We are profitably spending millions acquiring mobile app installs for our clients this holiday season. Therefore, if you are in the market for a new mobile app agency or bidding technology, contact

Mobile App Advertising Agency


Consumer Acquisition provides creative services and solutions for social advertisers. From our creative studio to our fully-managed user acquisition services and SaaS tools, we understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing. With an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale, we have the tools to help your social advertising efforts stand out from competitors.

Fully-Managed Facebook UA

As a result of our recipe for growth, clients finding success with us include MachineZone,,, Perk, PlayStudios, Smule, and ShopKick. In addition, FanDuel, MobilityWare, PlayDraft,,, and Real Networks. Also, Blend,, SunBasket,, Skylock, and Find& Save.

Self-Service Facebook Bidding Technology

In addition, AdRules is our self-service Facebook & Instagram bid management bid platform. Most noteworthy, it has outperformed all other solutions by 23%.

See the article for a full list of agencies

About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, is a technology-enabled marketing services company that has managed over $3 billion in social ad spend for the world’s largest mobile apps and performance advertisers.

Consumer Acquisition provides end-to-end creative and user acquisition services for mobile apps and web-based performance advertisers. In addition, we drive game-changing results through creativity, data-driven optimization, and a relentless focus on financial performance. We are buoyed by our proprietary technology that enables every member of our global team to make decisions based on business outcomes.

Finally, is the leader in mobile app advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Also, we provide a full-service Facebook agency and self-service technology for mobile app user acquisition. In addition, we have acquired over 40 million mobile app installs and focus on gaming, e-commerce, automotive, financial services, and entertainment.

Consumer Acquisition has no outside investors, is profitable and growing. We operate across Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads.

mobile app advertising agency

Facebook Ads Tested: Find Out What Works & Why

We’ve tested over 100,000 Facebook ads to find out what works & why. Learn how to optimize your ad creative & improve your user acquisition!

Every business wants more customers, more app installs, and more money. Yet a lot of businesses are ignoring where customers are living and advertising to those users: Facebook.


Facebook Ads Tested


With more than 1 billion users and 150 million active daily users in North America alone, Facebook is capturing a greater share of consumer traffic than any other single website (aside from streaming video sites). Further, with its options for targeting and “lookalike” modeling, Facebook delivers high-quality traffic matching outperforming what Google offers.  

So, if you want to reach your target audience, chances are they’re on Facebook. As a result, you’d better learn something about Facebook ads quickly if you want to grow traffic or APP INSTALLS or both. Facebook advertising, if done right, can be a powerful source of customers, traffic, and dollars.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn Facebook advertising best practices and how to scientifically optimize ad campaigns for the best results possible.

Our Scientific Approach to Social Advertising

There’s a lot of hype on the internet about “quick, easy success on Facebook.” Don’t buy it. Yes, Facebook advertising works extremely well, once you know the rules. But we approach advertising scientifically.

As a result, we’ve learned from trial-and-error, through hundreds of thousands of campaigns. In addition, understanding the right creative choices on Facebook is critical to success. Inexperience can lead to expensive failures. Therefore, User Acquisition best practices involve systematic testing and reinvention.

Facebook Agency Tips & Best Practices

Don’t get discouraged. Our Facebook agency is going to share some of the key things we’ve learned. Also, we don’t want you to fail out the gate, following overly simplistic advice from other articles.

If you don’t understand the rules, you will throw your money away. That is unless you’re one of the very few people who magically “get lucky” on the first try. Finally, we’ll explain how Facebook advertising is different from advertising in other media. And we’ll teach you how to make solid creative choices. So, what are you waiting for?

Here are some of the Facebook advertising best practices that will be covered:

  • Facebook advertising works when it’s DONE RIGHT, and traffic quality now rivals Google’s.
  • Choosing the right image is critical!
  • Photos: Why Stock Photos Aren’t the Answer
  • Optimizing Ad Copy Matters
  • Brand Boldly
  • Plan to Test & Fail More than You Succeed
  • Never Rest & Keep it Fresh

facebook ads tested

Facebook Advertising: 3 Keys to Facebook Success


Facebook advertising can be overly complex, but the formula for winning is simple. If you can master these 3 keys to Facebook success, you’ll be able to keep your user acquisition costs low at scale.


Facebook Advertising: 3 Keys to Facebook Success


1. Optimize Creative

The difference in performance between an optimized ad and a poor performer can be extreme. If your creative has not been optimized for performance, you can pay 10X (or more) the costs you would pay with optimized creative. Test aggressively and always search for new winners. Even if you’ve spent millions already, there’s a great chance you can get +20% more efficient overnight.

2. Scale Winners Right Now

Facebook advertisers face significant swings in costs, often up to 50% in a given day for an individual ad. When an ad is performing well, there’s an opportunity to quickly scale at a low cost. Traditional ad management software commonly misses opportunities to scale ads that are performing better right now than they have historically, as historical data is heavily weighed into today’s decisions.

3. Predict Losers and Pause Them Early

When testing a high volume of ads on Facebook, some will perform well but many will perform poorly. Keep a close eye on CTR% and conversion rates on early spend (we’re talking 10 clicks) as a predictor of an ad’s quality. Roll the dice on the ads that look good and quickly shut down the ads that show signs of risk.  If you wait for statistical relevance before making a decision on each ad, you’ll see a ton of wasteful spend.

Facebook Success

Simple, right? With a commitment to aggressive creative testing and smart ad management software, you’ll be able to master the 3 keys to successful Facebook advertising.

facebook success acquired by Facebook!

We are excited to announce that Facebook acquires TheFind! TheFind is a personalized shopping search engine to help improve its commerce ads. TheFind’s product allowed people to get customized recommendations for products while searching through its massive database of products. As a result,  TheFind could help Facebook better match not just a company to a user, but make sure the products shown in the ads are things they’re likely to buy.


Facebook Acquires TheFind


First of all, congratulations to Siva, Ramneek, Shashi, Zoran & Josh!

It has been such a pleasure to be your agency for the past 18-months and helping to drive your Facebook mobile app install strategy! Most importantly, we look forward to seeing the impact you make on Facebook eCommerce advertising.

Here is TechCrunch’s article on the acquisition.

In addition,
Here’s a case study on how TheFind worked with ConsumerAcquisition to build their paid Facebook acquisition channel.

facebook acquires thefind

Download the full case study here


About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.


Facebook Marketing Partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we’re a Facebook Marketing Partner badged in Creative and AdTech. So, we’re uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign and creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.


Does Your Facebook Agency Suck? Here’s How To Know for Sure.

Does Your Facebook Agency Suck? Are you confident your current ad agency or in-house marketing team is maximizing the efficiency of your ad dollars on Facebook, Twitter, and Google? Are you like most companies we speak with? Can you do better? Challenge your current agency or in-house team to a bakeoff with at least one other organization. As a result, you’ll almost always walk away with a more efficient ad campaign. At the very least, you’ll validate the effectiveness of your performance and walk away with a sanity check.


Does Your Facebook Agency Suck?


What is a bakeoff?

A bakeoff is a competition between two or more agencies and/or your in-house marketing team. The competition can be a “winner takes all” scenario, where the winner of the bakeoff secures the advertiser’s business. Or, you can allocate a percentage of your budget to the winning agency to keep the competition and learnings for your internal team.

Declaring a winner

Prior to the competition, the advertiser will provide a set of guidelines (generally cost, quality, and volume targets at a minimum) and a time period for the bakeoff (generally 60-90 days). At the end of the bakeoff, declare the organization with the highest return on ad spend as the winner.

Measuring the efficiency of competitors in the bakeoff

Most Facebook advertisers will look at multiple metrics when declaring a bakeoff winner. For instance, costs generally increase with scale for performance marketers, so it’s possible for an agency to show a low cost-per-action on low volume. But this low-cost-per-action may not hold at scale. Make sure the advertiser considers scale in the efficiency equation. Many advertisers will also give more weight to recent data. For example, if an agency has a big win on day 50 of a 60-day bakeoff, it is possible the agency will win the last 10 days of the bakeoff after losing the first 50. In addition to advertising metrics, consider the agency fees when declaring a winner.

Create a level playing field

A Facebook agency will generally win with a combination of better ad creative and better bidding techniques. It’s important to create a level playing field for the agencies while also shielding them from one another’s creative processes. For instance, if you have an ad that performs well (prior to starting the bakeoff), provide the same ad to both agencies and let them each iterate from there without sharing subsequent ads. Do not share any additional progress or wins between agencies (ad creative, bid techniques, etc.) once the bakeoff begins.

What happens after declaring the winner?

After declaring a winner, the advertiser should put the winning agency in the best position to succeed. Create a level playing field by sharing learnings from the other organization(s) that participated in the bakeoff. Also, stop withholding any additional information.

The Facebook Advertiser almost always wins at the end of a bakeoff

The Facebook advertiser will almost always walk away from a winner in the bakeoff. If a new agency comes in and beats the performance of your existing agency or in-house marketing team, then an advertiser’s performance will immediately improve. The advertiser will gain peace of mind and will know their agency is providing effective results after an existing agency wins. And it’s likely they will fight to retain your business, inspired to work harder and think differently. As a result, this causes them to gain efficiencies during the bakeoff period.

Take the ConsumerAcquisition Bakeoff Challenge!

  • We’re challenging your existing agency or in-house team to a 60-day bakeoff (Facebook, Google, and/or Twitter traffic).
  • We charge a flat fee of $15K for a 60-day bakeoff ($7,500 per month) in addition to media fees.
  • For the bakeoff period, we use our own ad accounts (Facebook, Google, etc) to protect intellectual property. You prepay media fees.
  • If we win the bakeoff and enter a contract extension, we expose our advertising methods with full transparency (including all intellectual property).
  • We will pre-negotiate an exclusive 180-day extension that’s triggered upon winning the bakeoff (on day 60 or sooner if declared winner early).
  • What do you have to lose? Does your Facebook agency suck?

You can download our free white paper “100K Facebook Ads Tested: Here’s What Works!” and review our recent Client Testimonials.

Does Your Facebook Agency Suck

Ridiculous Trick To Increase Profit 40% From Facebook Ad Testing

Who doesn’t want better performance from their Facebook advertising dollars? There are many variables to take into account when you run advertising on Facebook. What image you use, what bid option to select, and who to target are just a few of the many things that can impact how your ad performs. In turn, it affects how much ROI you see. As a result, trying to optimize all of these pieces at the same time can be very challenging and cost you a significant amount of money. So, identifying one piece and focusing on Facebook ad testing can really help you squeeze out more efficiency from your ads and learn faster.


Increase Profits From Facebook Ad Testing


Challenging Your Headline

A/B testing Facebook advertising headlines can increase your profit by 40% or more. Also, challenging your current headline with something new and different can help boost your performance. It’s quick to set up, by simply creating a clone of the ad and changing the headline to a new one. As a result, you may be able to increase CTRs 10-50%, lower CPCs. In turn, you will achieve a lower cost per app installs.

Facebook Ad Testing

We are continually running Facebook ad testing on headlines in the campaigns we manage. The user acquisition success rate is less than 20% but some help takes our performance to the next level. With one of my clients, I recently challenged a long-running headline that was  78 characters long and a fragmented sentence. I replaced it with a shorter, 31 characters long, more playful message that mimics what an average person would post on FB. The new shorter playful message had a 32% increase in CTR and CPC dropped by 18!

Facebook Advertising

No matter how much of a lift in CTR or how much of a decrease in CPC, any improvement moves performance in the right direction. Pile up a bunch of small wins and in no time, you’ll start seeing it impact the whole account.  Now it’s your turn, kick your Facebook advertising up a notch.

facebook ad testing

Yahoo Announces Gemini App Install Ads Marketplace

Gemini App Install Ads

Yahoo recently announced that U.S. advertisers can promote their apps using Gemini app install ads. Most importantly, Yahoo Gemini is the only marketplace that offers search and native advertising in one advertising platform. With Gemini, you are empowered with insightful data, brand-safe premium content, and advanced technologies. As a result, Gemini delivers engaging search and native advertising campaigns that really drive user acquisition results.

Yahoo Gemini app install ads

Yahoo Ads

While Yahoo is painfully late to the mobile app install market, it is hard to ignore its reach of over 550 million monthly mobile users. Also, Yahoo’s ads will appear on their mobile websites like Tumblr, Yahoo App, News, Weather, Sports, Finance, and other sites.

Tumblr’s Ads

Tumblr’s new mobile app advertisers can experiment with varying formats to see how users of the site respond.  In addition, Tumblr will allow mobile app advertisers to target the site’s largely Millennial audience. This is based on interests, site activity, as well as location, and gender.

What’s the catch? You can’t access their tool self-service. You must have a managed account and work through their team.

About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, is a technology-enabled marketing services company that has managed over $3 billion in social ad spend for the world’s largest mobile apps and performance advertisers.

Consumer Acquisition provides end-to-end creative and user acquisition services for mobile apps and web-based performance advertisers. In addition, we drive game-changing results through creativity, data-driven optimization, and a relentless focus on financial performance. We are also buoyed by our proprietary technology that enables every member of our global team to make decisions based on business outcomes.

Consumer Acquisition has no outside investors, is profitable and growing. We operate across Facebook, Google, TikTok, Snap, and Apple Search Ads.

For more information, reach out to us at


Is Facebook Traffic Lower Quality Than Google?

Is Facebook Traffic Lower Quality Than Google? When advertisers compare the quality of traffic between Google and Facebook, Facebook traffic is almost always viewed as “lower quality.” This makes sense conceptually since Google ads often capture consumers who are at the bottom of the purchase funnel and are searching for products and services with the intent to purchase.


Facebook Traffic


Facebook advertising is more like billboards along the highway, where consumers see (and click on) ads for products and services that may not interest them. Through custom audiences and lookalike audiences, Facebook is now offering Facebook advertisers the ability to target consumers. Especially those who are closer to the bottom of the purchase funnel. As a result, the improvement in traffic quality is significant. Google should be concerned.


What are custom audiences and lookalike audiences?


  • Custom Audiences: upload a list of users (email addresses, phone numbers, UDIDs) or build an audience with a website pixel, and Facebook will match your users to Facebook user acquisition profiles. Facebook will then allow you to target these users as a form of remarketing. If you run an e-commerce site, you can upload lists of basketball shoe buyers. Then, you can serve basketball shoe ads to these users on Facebook.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Facebook identifies the common interests and behaviors of users in your custom audience, and then creates Lookalike audiences of users who have similar interests and behaviors. Using the e-commerce basketball shoe example, Facebook may see a high affinity for users who like NBA teams and NBA players. Also, many users interested in the NBA and its players may be your lookalike audience.

facebook traffic Target Audience

How do Lookalike Audiences compare to interest targeting?


  • Cost: we have a/b tested a ton of ads with interest targeting vs. lookalike targeting, where all other variables are the same (ad image, ad copy, age, gender, etc.). We generally see a lower CPC for interest targeting and lower cost-per-initial conversion. For instance, the cost-per-install is generally lower with interest targeting for mobile app installs, and the cost-per-lead is generally lower with interest targeting for lead gen advertisers.
  • Quality: the quality of traffic from Lookalike targeting is almost always higher than interest targeting. The monetization event is generally the definition of quality. This includes purchases for e-commerce companies or engagement for a mobile app, etc. Also, this confirms that Facebook is able to identify users who are more likely to purchase your products and services by allowing them to analyze their current users.
  • ROI: Lookalike audiences have a higher cost-per-initial conversion than interest-targeted audiences, but Lookalike audiences generally have higher quality. So which targeting method is more profitable? Lookalike audiences are generally more profitable than interest-targeted audiences. Hence, the increase in quality (monetization) outweighs the increase in cost.

Stay tuned for best practices for working with lookalike audiences.

-Tom Young, CMO


About Consumer Acquisition

Consumer Acquisition has acquired more than 40 million mobile app users on Facebook and Instagram. We focus on gaming, e-commerce, automotive, financial services, and entertainment verticals. As a result, we have developed a unique process to reduce costs at a high scale. Our AdRules™ ad management software utilizes custom algorithms for each mobile app. AdRules™ was launched for internal use in January 2015 and is now available to the Facebook advertiser.

To learn how we can help your business with Facebook & Instagram acquisition, please contact

facebook traffic

The Holidays are Not So Merry for Facebook Advertisers

The Holidays are Not So Merry for Facebook Advertisers. You woke up on Black Friday to at least 20 emails from e-commerce companies. The competition to grab holiday shopping dollars is fierce, and ad marketplaces like Facebook & Twitter are getting more expensive as e-commerce companies fight to acquire holiday shoppers. The cost increase for Facebook advertisers began a few days before Black Friday and will run through the first week of the New Year.


Facebook Advertisers


When costs increase, Facebook advertisers need to adjust or risk losing money. Brand advertisers will generally increase their bids to ensure they spend every penny of their budgets, and e-commerce companies will generally see an increased conversion rate to a purchase, offsetting some of the Facebook cost increase. Non-e-commerce performance marketers need to take a different approach. Here are a few recommendations for user acquisition performance marketers on Facebook during the holiday season:

Expect Lower Volume or Higher Costs

You’ll see a significant drop in ad impressions in December if you don’t increase your bids (and budgets).

Decide Whether to Bid Up

If your margins are thin, you may not be able to advertise profitably in December. If you can afford to increase bids and maintain profitability (or for the purpose of driving top-line growth), expect to increase your bids by +25% to maintain the volume you saw in November. In many cases, you can maximize profits without bidding up to “chase” volume.

Front-Load Your Ad Spend

Your cost per conversion will likely increase heavily from 12/15-12/25, and may not normalize until mid-January. If you’re working on a fixed budget, you should consider spending up to 75% of your budget in the first half of December (assuming you can do so efficiently).

Happy Holidays!

Tom Young


facebook advertisers are not so merry

For more information, please contact us at

ConsumerAcquisition Facebook Agency Appears in Wall Street Journal

Facebook Agency Appears in Wall Street Journal.

Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2014

We are so thrilled the Wall Street Journal covered our startup today. We are a full-service Facebook agency, founded by data-driven performance marketing experts. In addition, we acquire customers from Facebook & Google and specialize in paid mobile app installs, lead acquisition, landing page, and AppStore optimization. Also, we are 100% transparent, work on a flat retainer, and use your media accounts. Finally, we have no proprietary technology, no markups, and no hidden fees. Pricing is available on our site. As a result, we have profitably managed over $250MM in paid user acquisition and consistently driven our clients to #1 in the AppStore.

If you are interested in profitably acquiring traffic from Facebook, we deliver results.  In fact, we have driven over 1,000,000 app installs for less than $1.00 each!

About Consumer Acquisition

Founded in 2013, Consumer Acquisition provides creative services, fully-managed user acquisition services, and SaaS tools for social advertisers. We understand the greatest ROI comes from creative testing and we have an unmatched ability to produce videos and images at scale. Our creative studio supports Facebook, Instagram, Google App Campaign, Snap, Pinterest, and IAB formats and our AdRules platform supports Facebook and Google App Campaign.

In January 2019, we announced that we’re now offering Google App Campaign for managed services and expanded our managed services offerings, and tiered them for advertisers of all budget sizes.  We also enhanced AdRules with new workflow automation features: AdBuilder Express & Audience Builder Express.  The platform offers the industry’s lowest fees; 60 days free, then 0.7% of spend.

Google Premier Partner

In May 2019, we were awarded a Google Premier Partner Badge; recognizing Consumer Acquisition as a leading social advertising and creative solution. Consumer Acquisition is Google’s only Partner in North America with a Creative and Premiere Certification. The Google Partner Program is a highly selective program designed to help customers identify the highest performing and most reliable companies based on their Google App Campaign social advertising and creative needs.

A company must meet several requirements in order to qualify as a Google Premier Partner. According to Google, “Achieving Partner status means that your company has demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met Google ad spend requirements, delivered company agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown its client base.” Premier Partners are held to an even higher standard and must demonstrate expert-level AdWords knowledge and performance in order to achieve this badge.

Facebook Marketing Partner

In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, we’re a Facebook Marketing Partner badged in Creative and AdTech. So, we’re uniquely positioned to help you with Facebook and Google App Campaign and creative and UA optimization. Contact us if you’d like to discuss how we can help with Creative or User Acquisition services.

Learn more about our Creative Studio.

consumer acquisition appears in the wall street journal


Read Our

Creative & UA Best Practices For Facebook, Google, TikTok & Snap ads.

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